Game play part 2

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O.m.g. I am so, so sorry about not making this. This was my 6th oneshot and I can't believe I didn't update!
This was dedicated to @july_Starr :) I think this is R rated.

Btw before I start, I wanna say that its kinda upsetting me how y'all say stuff like holy water and bible and that watnot. Not meaning to be rude and all, I'm just really religious and I find it really disrespectful...
But like if you MEAN it then I suppose that's ok... But writing smut like this is a huge sin to me, if you know what I mean? It's not my fault we had sex education and I became interested at pretty much the age of 11. :'D but anyways like if anyone found out the hardcore shit I write, I would be embarrassed as fuck and Omg I can't even begin. I dare not mention this at confession in church, I can't even begin to imagine what the priest will treat me like then. I can't believe I write this kind of stuff, like its unbelievable what a sin I'm committing. Sorry I just had to get this off my chest. I also feel like shutting down this account-even though I've got so far- because I'm just getting so scared that someone I know will find this. I hope y'all understand...
Plz comment smuttt

Mitch moaned as Scott took Mitch's skin between his teeth at the neck.

His mouth travelled down to Mitch's collarbone, sucking sharply causing the blood to rise to the surface. Meanwhile Mitch had his head thrown back in pleasure, hands roaming all over Scott's torso.

It wasn't advantage over the brunette-more like... Hrmph... Allowance.

"Sc-Scott..." Midge breathed out desperately, tugging at the rim of Smidge's boxers lustfully.

"...just get on with it." He whispered, yanking the blonde's boxers off in a swift movement.

Scott gradually pulled Mitch's down whilst making sure his neck was full-on-attacked.

Soon enough they were stripped and Mitch was pinned against the wall on his stomach and his hands by the sides of his head. Scott gently pushed in all the way, making sure to ease the pain by nipping at Mitch's ear.

Very slowly Scott rocked and plunged or whatever you wanna call it, but gently though because he didn't wanna hurt the little dandilion. Wtf I need my writing skills ha.

Mitch felt his crotch swell and a hot knot form at the bottom of his stomach before he squirted (eww) everywhere on the wall. Scott came soon after, letting out a cry of pleasure and relief. They fell against the wall and slid down, Mitch taking Scott's jaw in his hand.

One final kiss and the door stand open. The manager of the tigers was stood there and his jaw dropped.


hahahahahhaa I tricked youuuu its not gooddddd haha

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