That's when I left

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A/n if you read this fast, it'll be rubbish.

Mitch's POV:

I sit on Scott and I's bed and stare at my handbag.

This thought I have been having for perhaps two months is driving me insane and I'm going to decide to agree with it.

I mean, Scott'll be fine with a kid, right? He can handle parenting by himself. Besides, we only adopted Sam three weeks ago and Scott and I aren't even married.

I can't parent, I suck. I'll never learn how to and that's why I want to move out completely, leaving troubles.

I love Sam and Scott ever so much, but I can't handle it. I can't handle the fact that I'm not old enough to be a parent of a boy, without my abilities to actually be responsible.

A week ago I was so busy on my phone that Sam ran into the road and he was lucky enough for me to have pushed him out the way and break my fucking arm.

I'm not a decent parent, and I've seen Scott with his boyfriend, Alex. He can supervise with Scott, they'll do fine.

Panicking, I throw my phone, keys and wallet into my handbag and walk out the door,

Taking a last glance at the place, I write a note before placing it on the coffee table.

That's when I left.


Scott's POV:

I unlock the door with struggle, as I have Sam on my back, and open it.

"Mitchy, I'm home!" I call out to my best friend and put Sam down.

"Papa... We 'ome!!" Sam quotes me and waddles into the room.

Sam, our adopted kid, is adorable. He is five years old and has bleach blonde hair and blue eyes. Mitch and I really wanted to adopt a child so that we could have more responsibility, yet I'm not sure he's happy with it.

To be honest he's quite clumsy and I do most of the parenting, whilst Mitch does house work.

I'm going to talk to him tonight, I thought.

"Mitch?" I holler again and hear nothing.

Sam walks into our bedroom and pouts at the sight of no-one there.

"Oh, papa must be out." I smile, seeing his clothes are still here) at the boy and he grins cheesily before climbing on the bed.

"Wook, Daddy. I can touch da sky!!" He chirps and bounces up and down on the bed, onlu just touching the ceiling each time.

"Well done, Sam!" I laugh and crouch down for fun.

"Woah, you're sooo high when you jump!!!" I gasp and he giggles in excitement.

"Hey, Sam. Do you want anything to eat?" I ask and he stops bouncing.

"Can I 'ave... Beef jerky?" He asks cheekily.

"No, silly! What about a ham sandwich?" I chuckle and he nods eagerly before bouncing more.

I walk out of the bedroom and raise an eyebrow when I spot a piece of paper on the table.

I pick it up and scan over the words. It reads:

I'm so, so, sorry. I didn't want to have to go but... I can't handle it. I'm a bad parent. I don't feel any use of staying with u if u have Alex and if I'm a bad father.
Don't tell Sam, please, and take care of him.

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