The paragraph

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Mitch's POV

"So, class, can you get your planners out... Homework is for Tomorrow," I gasped at what Mr. Baker, our English teacher, just said. Homework. Due for TOMMOROW. How the hell am I gonna do this, "Your task is to write a paragraph about someone or something that changed you as a person or changed your life. It can be a paragraph, or however long you want."
Suddenly the bell screamed out the signal for the end of the day and cheers of eager erupted through the classroom.
I packed my things away and slung my backpack over my back with a huff.
Friendless, Scott-less, and tired, I plodded and exited the school.

I didn't want to go home.
I didn't want to do homework.
I didn't wanna do anythiiiiiing.


I started to sprint to the Hoying house as fast as I could. I was determined. I could feel excitement rushing through my veins and hear the little guitarish blues pop music playing as what seemed like slow motion running took over my body.

Finally I arrived at the small house and rapped on the door with my knuckles.
Scott opened the door wrapped in a blanket and I immediately pounced on him, squeezing him in a crushing tight hug.
"WOOOAH!" Scott loudly laughed, taken aback but hugged me back.
"I missed you." I mumbled childishly into his neck and he giggled.
"I missed you too. Sorry I wasn't in school, Mittens, but I'm a little sick. Anyways, come on in."

He welcomed me in and we went upstairs, to Scott's bedroom.

He sat crossed-legged on his bed and I sat opposite him.
"I need help with my homework." I grumbled, pulling my book out of my bag and grabbing a pen.
"What's your homework?"
"A paragraph about something oe someone that changed me or my life. I don't know what to do." I explained. I looked up at him and he smiled sweetly at me.
"Maybe you could do-"
"WAIT NEVER MIND I'VE GOT IT!" I cheered happily.
".... Beyonce..." He finished but it was too late, I was already scribbling down sentence after sentace with my tongue stuck out in thought and my eyebrows furrowed in concentration. We sat in an intimidating silence and occasionally he would try to see what I was writing about, but I told him to go on his phone or something.
Every now and then I glanced at him and wrote down more. Glanced, wrote. Glanced, wrote.
After an hour of complete silence and irritating seconds ticking away, I was finished and was pleased.

"Pleeease can I see?" He folded his arms in 'anger' and frowned.
"Not yet. It's a surprise." I whispered seductively. The blonde 16 year old shuffled in his place and looked a little disturbed.

I looked into his eyes and couldn't help it. I swear. We were both leaning in and I had NO idea what was happening.
I brang my body closer and then...--- it happened.
His lips locked to mine and started to slowly but passionately dance together, heads tilting for more access.
I brought my hands to his head and cupped his face, kissing him harder and breathing through my nose fast and rapidly in lust.
He slipped his hands under my top and explored my torso, biting on my lip in the process.
My phone notification interrupted us and we leapt a meter away from eachother, me falling on the floor. I picked my self up and stood straight, pulling at my collar nervously. I found myself a beetroot shade of red and so was Scott's face. He coughed awkwardly and I felt a horrible, orgasmy feeling in my pelvis.
I ignored it and picked up my bag before brushing my hair behind my ear.
"I-I... I have to, um... I gotta go.." I stuttered awkwardly with a smile and left the room. What had I done?


Period one, English again.
I sat next to Scott and it was EXTREMELY awkward. It was, how should I put it, intense. We would glance nervoulsy at eachother but then dart our attention to the teacher again when eachother would notice the other.

"Does anyone want to share their homework? Anyone...? Ok I'll pick someone." He scanned over the room and his face lit up at me. "Mitch, why don't you share yours?"
I swallowed nervously and thought about last night.
"A-actually sir, I-"
"Great! Well stand up then and take your time." He sat at his desk and I sighed in frustration.
Standing up, my hands started to tremble and my knees grew week. I felt the same feeling I felt in last night's kiss, only it was scarier and a bad feeling.
I took one deep breath after cleared my throat.
"Something that changed ny life, is not a thi- vfscrbxidbejfgn. W-wait, I'm sorry can I.. Start again...?" I stuttered and facepalmed.
Mr. Baker chuckled and nodded. I closed my eyes and meditated for a couple of seconds before returning to the paper.
"Something that changed my life, or changed me, is not a thing. It is a someone. To be specific, it's a he. This he is an angel. He sings amazingly well. He's gorgeous. He's talented. He's funny. He's comforting. He means the world to me.
When I'm sad, he's always there. When I'm troubled, he's my No. 1 advice giver. I could go on for ages talking about him, but I can't, so I'll say this.
This boy gives me a funny feeling in my stomach. He gives me happiness, and comfort, and joy. He means the world to me and I can't explain it enough.
I want to say who this is, the person who changed me and my life and affected me as a person, independently, physically and mentally, but I feel its best to keep it to myself so it doesn't ruin anything.

The thing that changed my life, is not a thing, but a person. A he, to be specific. And I love him to bits." I finished. Voila, I was done. My voice had cracked a few times, but what do you expect.
The class started to clap and applaud me, cheering and whooping.
It wasn't even that good, it was just brave of me, I guess.
Scott clapped slowly and didn't make eye contact, but I could kinda see a little smile on his lips.
Scotty, you silly boy. You're so clumsy. Can't you get the idea...?

"Mitchell, that was excellent.
May I ask, would you mind saying, who's this special 'he'?" Mr. Baker asked and everyone leaned in to listen.
"It's..." I gulped and closed ny eyes. "Scott. It's Scott. I love you, Scott Hoying. Believe it or not." Everyone was screaming and crying and fangirling and laughing and crying and- except for Scott. He sat there, mouth agape, tears dripping from his eyes, speechless. I frowned at his facial expression and he looked at the floor.

I walked slowly back to my seat and carefully sat down, red as a tomato and my bead in my hands.
"I'm sorry..." I started to cry, looking at Scott.
He looked at me and winced at the pain on my face, truly feeling pitiful for me.
"Hey, it's OK... I just... I dunno what to say..." He mumbled. I glanced at him through my fingers, frowning on the inside as well as out.


Part 2 soon as well as 3 more updates!!! Whooo!!! :D x

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