I can't love you (now a book)

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Hey everyone! I am dreadfully sorry for how long I have been absent. Please accept my apology as soon... (in a few weeks) will be a MEGA update. And when I say mega, I mean massive. It'll be, for you, the equivalent of Pretty Little Liars 'A revealed' for the Pretty Little fans. OK, Maybe that didn't help. But this update will be huge. There'll be an update from every single book. There'll be smut. Actually long chapters. There'll be a new update time table. And no kidding, it's gonna be great.

So the reason I haven't updated in so long, my poor poor babies, is because my phone was taken away last year by my parents and then LOST. So I got a new one, but I don't have much time ever to go on wattpad because I have lots of exams and stuff.... so when I get the chance to go on I'll start to write and stuff :) :D Also I gotta be careful to make sure my Dad doesn't go on my wattpad because he knows my phone password and if he sees, RIP me.

But that comes in around a month or more, because school is real stressful and I'm getting real tired all the time. So be patient because as soon as I get back I'll work my socks off to get all these updates up!!!!!!!!

For now, feed on this oneshot. It's called 'I can't love you' and it's kind of only part 1... Might make it a book if you like it. Enjoy but don't blame me if it's weird! :P

Meet Scott. He's the typical kind of guy who is interested in a relationship but hasn't found the opportunity. He can bribe anyone into loving him with his good looks or his voice, but he doesn't want to. He wants the right person to come to HIM.

Now meet Travis. Scott's best friend since kindergarten, a loyal buddy, but not particularly attractive. He can get wound up easily, but doesn't bite. At least, we think.

Finally, Mitch. That sexy queen of the beasts, who slays 24/7 and... well that pretty much sums it up. Mitch can get any an of any age get aroused, and likes to play hard-to-get. He knows Travis from a couple years ago but is yet to meet Scott.

"Scott, I don't think you understand. This guy is like drop-dead-gorgeous, I can't just go like this." Travis explains to Hoying, strolling in front of the mirror and lifting up his shirt to examine his six-pack.

"Tray, girl I completely understand you wanna look your best, but you honestly do look fine. Plus this 'Mitch' is gon' want to see your personality, not your looks. You can't distract him with your appearance." Scott contemplated, giving Travis a reassuring look and grinning widely. Oh, Scott. The queen of encouragement. Killing, or should I slaying, millions every day. Scott stood up from his position on the bed and wrapped his arm around Travis's shoulders.

"Thanks Noodle. What would I do without you?" Travis sighed lovingly before turning to hug his best friend. Scott smiled. He loved Travis, as a friend that is, and would do anything to make him happy. He wished the best for his life-long companion and hoped everything would go well.

The two of them exited the bedroom and slipped their shoes and coats on.

"Right... phone, mophie case, keys.... is there anything else I need?" Travis asked, grabbing the car and house keys from the shelf and shoving them in his pocket. Scott paused for a second and his face lit up in realization. He quickly sprinted into his bedroom and appeared a minute later with a small packet, throwing it at Travis.

"Wha- really Scott? A condom?" Scott giggled and nodded childishly with an evil grin. "Ugh. I hate you." Travis smiled and leaned over an pecked Scott on the cheek. They locked the door behind them and set off in the car.


When they arrived at the restaurant they ordered a table for three and sat down, in wait for a small Italian devil by the name of Grassi.

1 minute.

2 minutes.

5 minutes.

7 minu- "Where is he...?!" Travis muttered in fustration, peering over at the door without even blinking.

"Travis, relax. He's probably late. You know Europeans! No sense of time whatsoever." Scott reassured him and started to massage Travis' neck as a way of calming him down. "Why don't I go to order our drinks for you whilst we wait?" he smiled lovingly.


"Hi, please can I have two red wines? No just a little bit please. Not too much. Yeah, that's fine. Thanks alot. Yeah, it's table 17. Thanks. Oh wait no, actually could I pick it up now...? Thanks." Scott finished ordering their drinks and turned to leave when he heard the sound of a very angry woman shouting at the gentleman at the till. He looked over at the till and winced at his thought; it wasn't a woman but just an extremely feminine man. Whoops... he, he...

"What seems to be the problem...?" Scott asked curiously receiving a violent snap from the man.

"Don't get involved, sir-" the stranger turned to see who this nosy customer was and froze. His facial expression changed and he tore his eyes away from Scott. "Sorry, I... this punk won't let me in. He says no-one booked a table for me.

"No, sir I assure you, zer iz no name on ze list for 'Meetch Grassi'." The French man at the till exlaimed, looking from Scott to the man, from the man to Scott.

"He's with us." Scott said, pretending to lie. Mitch looked up and smiled happily at this stranger, brushing the bangs out of his eyes. "Now if you'll excuse me but if we have a problem again with you, I can report you. He grabbed Mitch's arm and pulled him behind the wall where no-one could see them.

"Omg thank you SO, much, I'm meeting my best friend here and that homophobic dickhead obviously doesn't want me in. Thanks alot." Mitch stood on his tiptoes and pressed his lips against Scott's for a second, slowly pulling away. Scott felt a shiver run through his body and down to his area, arousing him. Mitch grinned and winked, starting to walk away into the buzzing crowd of eating couples.

Scott let out a long breath he didn't know he was holding in as he made his way back to collect the glasses of wine.

Holy shit. It was Mitch. The guy Travis liked. Oh, poor Scott didn't expect to find this unknown loving for the man of his best friend's dreams... What was he going to do? Mitch had no idea who he was and didn't realise that Scott didn't stand up for him as a lie, but actually as the truth.

Once the tall, eyebrowless noodle had collected the two tall glasses of red wine, he started to walk back to their table, his hands shaking. Travis would kill him if he found out that Mitch kissed him. And one sexy blonde dork can't exactly handle a Bipolar guy who just got betrayed by his kindergarten friend.

He approached the table, studying how Mitch and Travis were in such a deep conversation, Mitch laughing and crying from some joke Travis made.
He sat down at the table, placing the drinks on the table and earning a smile from Travis.

"Mitch, this is Scott. Scott, Mitch" he intoruduce us.
Mitch turned to Scott with a warm and polite smile but did a sharp double-take in astonishment. He had no idea it was Scott.
Scott smiled shyly and mumbled a small hi, trying to avoid eye contact whilst Mitch stared blankly at him.
"Oh, you guys know each other...?" Travis chuckled, looking to and fro.
Scott shook his head in confusion and say up straight.
"What...? Oh, no we don't."

Mitch drew his attention away from the blonde and swiped his fringe back, grinning at Travis nervously.
Scott turned back to Travis as well, knowing that eventually, he would be doomed.

Okkkay! So that's part 1, I really like where this is going rn ♥ ly c u soon!

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