Coming Out??

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Yesterday I came out to my friend. Funny she has blue eyes and blonde hair and I have brown eyes and brown hair lol like scömíche OK nm. I was so fcking scared tho lol.

So yeah, thought I would write this exactly like how yesterday went. Sorry its shit and crappy. Voila!

Mitch's POV:

I had told Scott like 10 times today to wait until tonight to tell him that I was bisexual.
I didn't fancy him, or anything. No, not at all.

I was just terrified to tell him, I mean he supports homosexual people 100% but I was just worried how he would react.

Finally the end of the day came, and I was nervous as fuck to tell him. How would I say it? When would be the right time?
I decided to calm down, and although I failed, I managed to cover it up.
So we arrived at his house, ready to work on our geography project.
"When are you gonna tell me what you said you wanted to tell me?" Scott asked impatiently and excitedly. Boy, he didn't know what was coming.
"OK, I'll- wait no I'll tell you later." I convinced him and we started to work on the project.

An hour or two flew past as fast as lightning, and I decided to tell him.
"Scott, I think I'll tell you now."
"YAY!" he squealed, excited and relieved his wait was finally over.
I started to shake and my hands went crazy. I felt a horrible knotty feeling in my stomach and a lump in my throat. Grabbing the nearest giant plush toy, I hugged it close to me and rested my chin against it.
"I.... Phooo...." I sighed loudly over and over again, taking deep breaths.
"What on earth are you about to say?" He asked, questioning why I was so nervous.

"OK. Here it goes," I buried my face into the toy, "I think I'm bisexual." I was hoping my words would muffle in the plush bear but he heard it perfectly well.
A smile of shock crept across his face and I blushed furiously.
"Awh, that's great, Mitch! I ..." He stuttered. I didn't blame him, that was totally out of nowhere, he just completely didn't expect that.
"I'm so happy for you!" He exlaimed excitedly.
"You're the first person I've told. Other than social media." I mumbled.
He grinned and chuckles quietly.
"I'm just so happy I'm the first person you've told," he spoke and I nodded, "come here, gimme a hug." He smiled.
I gladly hugged him back, really wanting to get emotional but not finding the tears. Y'know when you just wanna cry, but you can't? Yeah.

We pulled away and I was kinda hoping he would come out to me, but he's not gay, even though he's, like, a hmosexual's favourite fan.
"Well I'm very glad you've found yourself."
"Yeah, I mean it could be a phase if you know what I mean, but maybe I am actually bi."
"Yeah. For all we know tomorrow you might just be like, Y'know what? I am bisexual. I've made my desicion. But that's up to you. Just do what you feel right doing. You know I totally support you, its great."
I smiled at his support and gulped nervously again.
"So, any crushes?" He asked, referring to guys.
"No." Well, not really. I kinda fell for Jeremy, but he was such a good, and should I mention homophobic, friend. We were so close as he was half Spanish and I quarter Italian (not true about Mitch btw, just an example).

Idk byeerr

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