First Kiss

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Hey y'all so the next few oneshots are the same plot... Meeting eachother in public and then getting their number.
Enjoy their awfulness

"Ok so Mitch.. We've picked a random guy from the street " I heard the man explain. "So we're gonna bring him in and you have to kiss him, and we'll film all of this. That clear?"

I nodded and he rushed behind the camera and was filming.
First kiss. I think I've seen one of these videos before. What if its a man though? What if it goes too far?! I thought.

The door opened and the most adorable guy ever walked in.

He was short and thin with chocolate eyes and perfect eyebrows. His beard and mustache was thin but fitted his jaw. His nose was kind of crooked and his hair was swept to the side. He. Was. Hot!

A smirk rugged at his lips and j realised I was staring.

"Hey. I'm Mitch.." He smiled and we shook hands. Those dimples Omg.

"I'm Scott. Nice to meet you!" I began and looked at the floor. "So... We just... Start now?"

The camera guy nodded and I saw Mitch bite his lip.

We leaned in and I held his hips, whilst he wrapped his arms round my neck.

Mitch's POV:

This Scott guy was ADORABLE.

He was tall and muscular, with dirty blonde hair gelled up. His eyes were an ocean blue and he had a firm jaw with slight stubble.

Our lips connected and I felt a spark as they moved in sync.

Suddenly I felt his run his tongue along my bottom lip and I accepted it, biting it and dragging it into my mouth. I was exploring his perfectly lined teeth when we pulled away. The director had chuckled and that made us realise we went too deep.

"Alright, that's enough, boys!" He laughed, stopping the camera and thanking us for our time.


I was waiting outside for a cab when I felt a gentle tap on my shoulder.

"Hey um... Can I get your number? If you want.." Scott mumbled and I froze. This hottie? Wanting my number?!

I held out my hand and he gave me his phone.

When I was done he smiled and waved.

"Nice meeting you..." I blushed and he walked off with a wink.

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