Jacuzzi fun ;)

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Mitch's POV:

Its my birthday tommorow and I can't wait to see what Scott's doing for me! We are in a relationship after all.... ;)

I was in my room picking something to wear to Scott's surprise thing.

"Scoooott!!!!" I called and he rushed to me.

"Yeah babe?" He replied with a yawn.

"Ugh, I don't know what to wear. Help me pick?" I whined and he placed a kiss on my forehead.

He rummaged through my wardrobe until he showed me a baggy T-shirt, some swimming shorts, and flipflops.

"Scott, I'm gonna be back late. It'll be to dark for the beach!" I chuckled and took the clothes.

"No! Its not the beach. Just wear these, ok? How about you wear this..... And this.... And this..... And those for when you're with your friends, then change when ur home?" Scott explained with a smile and took out some simple clothes for when I'm out with friends.

"Kk. Love you Scotty!" I said, hugging him with abit of force and we fell back on the bed laughing about how clumsy we were.

We soon fell asleep in each other's arms.

Next day

Scott's POV:

Yes. Mitchy is gone for like... 4 hours today and that gives me time to organise everything.

So I'll need the backyard to ourselves. Its gonna be dark but not cold. Oh and we'll need the jacuzzi...

I'll need Kevin to pop round and make us a romantic dinner for when we get out of the jacuzzi.

I'll need to go out and buy some confetti....

I was in the car on my way to Walmart, stuck in traffic, when I noticed a group of fans walking passed. They had PTX snapbacks on and I immediately shrunk into my seat. Last time I got attacked by them, I broke my arm. Yep. Not good.

Suddenly a cop tapped on my window and I opened it.

"Urm... Hello, Scott. I mean- sir." He bellowed and gave me a ticket.

"I'm sorry to do this but I'm giving you a ticket for not paying attention to the road."

"What?! It was because-" I started but he snatched it back.

"But.... You could if course... Gimme your autograph??" He grinned and I sighed.

He told me his name and I wrote it on the other side of the ticket, then realising that the cars were moving.

Before Mitch came home

So I'm getting everything set out. I had placed confetti and petals all around and in the jacuzzi.

I had told Kevin to tell Mitch to go straight to his room to get changed. Kevin was making a romantic meal.

Tonight was gonna be perfect. I thought as I climbed in the jacuzzi and waited for Mitch.

Mitch's POV:

"Bye Troye! Bye Tori!" I called out and waved to them as they drive off.

Boy, was mamma tired. I swear if Scott's prepared something relaxing I will praise him.

I turned the handle and it was open.

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