You.... don't... remember me?

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I woke up to sunlight streaming through the blinds. Mommy was not getting up at 6am just because some planet wanted to do it's job.

I tossed and turned and faffed around, trying to fall asleep again, but once in a comfortable position, my eyes shot wide open.

"Shit!" I whispered and jumped out of bed, whipping some clothes on.

"...Scott!!" I called out whilst buttoning up my pants.

Last night Scott was out partying. He came home drunk and freaked out, and hit me with a saucepan on the head. The thought of it made my head throb and I rubbed it sorrowfully. Alex must've given my unconscious body an icepack and put me to bed, because the pack lay wet on the floor and I don't know how else I was supposed to have ended up in a bed.

"Scott?" I sang, hopping 3 stairs at a time down to the living room.

The blonde stood there motionlessly, back facing me.

I tapped him on the shoulder praying last night was a dream...

Scott turned around and his eyes grew wide.

He didn't say anything but instead he back away slowly, taking a knife from the sideboard.

"Woah Woah Woah Woah woahhhhh, put that away! What the hell!" I laughed at his act but his face remained confused.

"Scott, are you OK? Hello??" I whispered, waving a hand in front of his face. My boyfriend threw the knife at me, but I ducked and it hit the wall.

"What the hell, Scott?" I asked and he pushed me away from him.

"Who are you? Get OUT of my house!" He commanded and I scoffed.

"Enough play, Scotland... What has gotten into you? Are you drunk? Hungover?" I asked but ducked again as multiple knives flew and pierced into the wall.


"GET AWAY FROM ME!" He screamed and I pouted.

"That's not very nice, Scooter. Quit it, seriously!" I ordered but he started to cry softly.

"Who are you?" He asked and I gasped. Omg. Had he forgotten about me?

"Your boyfriend? We share a house together? We... Are in a band... Called pentatonix? Don't you even, like, recall? Ring any bells?" I started to cry as well and he raised an eyebrow, shaking his head.

"Oh my ***, Scott..." I covered my hand over my mouth to cover up the sobs, and reached up to his hair.

"Come on? Not anything? Not even my name?!" I begged more to myself than him and massaged his head lightly.

"No! Get OFF of me!" He shoved my fragile body from hugging him and took another knife out, pointing it at my neck

"I swear, get out if my house or I'll call the cops!" He said aggressively and I shook my head, pushing the blade away.

"I want you to listen, Scott. You were drunk last night. You came home and hurt me, and Alex put you to bed or something. What happened ta the club, Scott?" I whispered gently and he shook his head.

"I don't know. I don't know who Alex is and I don't know who you are! Stop tricking me and get away from me!" He told me, waving his hands in the air as he talked.

"Scott, babe I have no where to go. This is our house!" I whimpered and gestured to everything that was mine. My clothes lying around, my merchandise, my books and other things.

Scott pursed his lips in thought and his eyes showed to emotion.

"Fine. Stay. If those things really happened then... Well... I can't kick you out of your own house. I'm sorry." He turned his back again and continued chopping onions.

"Thanks, Scott..." I hugged him from behind and he tensed.

"Oh... I-im sorry." I whispered and let go of him.

"We'll sort something out.." I cried and went to call Kirstie.

Guys I don't even know what this is help me. What shall I do?

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