Paris- the city of romance ♥

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Thanks @july_starr for giving me all of these amazing ideas!!

Paris. The city of romance.

Or should I say, the city of love.

Known for her tourist attractions.

For her landmarks.

For holding more than 40,000 restaurants.

Where all cultures and languages and religions mix and feeble.

The city if love.

Le ville de l'amour.

"Scott!" Kirstie, his girlfriend yelled from the table. They were dining in "La cuisine" which was by the Eiffel tower.

They had forgotten to order drinks with their meal so Scott was at the counter getting some.

"Can I have a tea instead if red bull please?" She continued.

"Of course, hun." He smiled back and ordered. Once he had got the drinks he was walking to the table until someone bumped into him and he fell in the floor. Scott winced in pain as coffee is spilt all over his new smart trousers and blazer.

"Oh, pardon! Pardon... Er... Oh, monsieur pardon!!" The stranger who bumped into him said. Scott looked up to see a hand stretched out so he took it and was helped up.

He took the chance to see who it was and saw a charming, short brunette with a thinly lined beard and mustache.

"Pardon moi! Oh... Monsieur..." He kept repeating but Scott couldn't understand a word.

"Uh... Er..." Scott stuttered at this beautiful man and shook it off. He smiled and shook his head to say 'its alright'.

"Comment t'appelles tu?" The man asked for Scotts name.

Scott was sure he had heard that phrase somewhere so he replied what ever came to mind.

"Er... Scott." He smiled.

"He m'appelle Mitch." The man confirmed and shook Scott's hand, before they both parted into their own directions.

When scott came to the table he gave Kirstie her drink and daydreamed. He thought about Mitch the whole while Kirstie was talking.

Scott, you're straight. Scott said to himself and mentally facepalmed.

That boy was so unique and different. His manners.... His looks... Ugh for fucks sake you're not gay, scott!!! He repeated to himself.

".... So then I said to her... Wait, scott? Wakeup!" Kirstie gossipped and waved her hand in front of his face.

"Huh? What? Oh, sorry, babe. Carry on." He said and carried on staring at Mitch. He watched as Mitch spotted him and gave him a wink. They both blushed and got uncomfortable.

"Scott.... " Kirstie said sadly.

"I can leave if you want..."

"Babe?! Why!!!" Scott whisper yelled and she stood up.

"I've seen those looks you give that... That... That guy. I would rather you told me to my face than hiding it. Goodbye, Scott. I'm going to stay with my ex, Avi." She cried and stormed out.

"Kirstie!?!? I love you?!!!" Scott yelled after her.

Mitch watched as Scott fell onto his knees crying. He was in the city of love. With no love. Just that boy. That gorgeous boy.

Ok, admit it scott. You're gay. Scotts voices in his head told him.

Scott gave up and walked over to Mitch who was sitting with some other French dude. He had blonde hair and he wore a name tag saying 'Travis'.

"Aur revoir!" Mitch said to Travis and told him to get back to work in French. Presumably he worked there.

"Bonjour, mes ami!" Mitch stood up hugging Scott and patting his back.

Scott hesitated then cried into Mitch's shoulder.

"Do... Do... Do not... Wor... Worry." Mitch smiled. This was obviously one of the few phrases in English Mitch knew how to say.

"Merci" Scott whispered and couldn't help but feel themselves slowly drift towards each other...

I love cliff hanging u guys :)

Part 2? ;) ♥♪★

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