Finding myself

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Sorry this isn't an update... And I'm really nervous to post this. I'm literally shaking rn. So I have 2 friends on wattpad and if they read this, I am fking dead.

But I wanted to confess something.

It may be just a phase in my life, I'm only like 13, and soon in the future I'm probably gonna think 'psht I had hormones, that wasn't true.' Fan fiction has kinda made me more open to what I realise I think I am but I don't want fan fiction to force me to think this way.

The other day I was lying on the grass in school with one of my best friends. We lay with my sweater over our heads and everyone was taking pictures and laughing and stuff, apparently it looked like we were kissing.

But when it think about it, it actually doesn't seem so much like a bad idea.

So here it goes.

I think I'm bisexual.

OK now I've said it and I'm fucking terrified. I'm sitting in my room, scared. Probably a phase, I bet. But its what I feel rn and I can't help it.

I can't tell my friends. Or my parents. I only have you guys and even if those 2 friends read this, they won't say anything bc I'm only 13, coming up to 14 and idk what my feeling r rn.

I'm sorry this wasn't an update.
I just wanted to put it out there.
Again, it could just be a phase. Idk.

I'm actually fucking freaking out rn lol and my hands r shaking like crazy.

Plz don't judge me.

I'm just a hormonal teenager with feels and confusion.

I'm a really strong Christian and God must be so fucking mad at me rn.

Holy shit I'm nearly crying lol...

So yeah. That's it. I'm done.

Idk what I'm feeling rn.


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