Just two girls

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Scout's POV:

Hey, readers. My name's Scout.

I'm just an average teenage girl in high school, looking for love and making a mess. I'm one of the kind that's popular, pretty, clever, y'know. That's what everyone tells me, anyway.

"Scout! Get over here!" I hear Alexandra, my best friend call from the lunch line.

I skip over to her and she has a big grin on her face.

"There's a new girl... Her name's Michelle. I've seen her round... She's really pretty... You should go check her out." She says, wiggling her eyebrows.

Everyone in the school knows on lesbian, because boys don't really work for me. I haven't became more manly or anything, just more hard to get with the boys. They want me but to be honest, I don't want them.

"I'll try... Isn't she in my math class?" I ask her, watching her braid her long, dark ash blonde hair.

"Oh yeah, she is! Well, see ya, Scout." She winks and I sigh in annoyance. Alexandra was straight but SUCH a flirt with me.

It was really annoying.


Michelle's POV:

This was my first day of this school. I was just a lesbian chic who was gonna get bullied... A lot.

"Hey, Michelle?" I hear a voice say and spin around. O...MG.

There stood a tall, gorgeous girl with blonde hair down by the sides of her head. Her eyes were a deep ocean blue which could pretty much hypnotise anyone. She was GORGEOUS. But, why would she want me?

"Yeah..." I smile, shyly and she smirks.

"So... You new round here?" She asks and I nod.

"Wanna be friends? I can help you if you want... First days tough, right?" She chuckles girlishly at the end and my eyes light up.

"Really?!" I ask, full of hope.

"Yeah, sure!" She smiles and gets a piece of paper out.

"Here. Just text me, maybe we can hangout?" She chirps and pops a bubble with her gum before spinning on her heels leaving me speechless.


Scout's POV:

Michelle was gorgeous. She had a fluffy dark brown side fringe and thin hair all the way down to her hips.

She was adorable and she looked at me with pleading chocolate eyes.

I had to ask her out some day, she was obviously a lesbian too..

Hey. This is a random idea but whatever. I've always wanted to imagine them as girls. ♥

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