Stylist Noona Pt 72 (The Great Skirt Dilemma)(Angst)

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Your tears have long since dried and, for the past half hour it seems the only thing being accomplished is Yoongi honing his interrogation skills.

"So you left your bag to go to the bathroom. Where did you set it down?"

"On a chair behind the curtain, And it was the same when I came back." Laying on the young producer's couch you spin a pen above your head lazily

"And we saw you leave the room, you were gone and we came in before most of the staff." Rocking slightly in his chair, Yoongi ponders the small amount of time neither of you were in the room.

"Did you see anyone go behind the curtain while I was gone?" You ask, hoping for some sort of breakthrough.

He thinks for a moment.

"Not that I remember, but I wasn't paying attention. Jimin was telling me about a part he was considering adding to a song before we call it complete. Sorry, I know that doesn't help."

The pen falls as you sit up excitedly.
"It does help because it had to have been between the time I started laying out my pages and when the voting started! It has to be Choi! He was the only other person to touch my folder, or at least if he didn't switch them, maybe he'll have seen something...but-" a pit deepens in your stomach, "-it cant have been him not completely...."

"Why do you say that?" Yoongi stops his subtle rocking to lean forward on his elbows, interested in your new apparent realization.

"Because that would require him to have gone all the way to the house, rummage through our trash, pick out that design specifically, and come all the way back here in the time it took us to leave home and get here. It just doesn't make sense." The man nods along slowly chewing at his lower lip. "It was in my folder before we left the house."

Being back at practically square one has you up and pacing the few feets width of Genius Lab.

"Yea about that." He starts sheepishly.

You stop pacing. Flicking your head towards Yoongi with the speed of a hawk.

"I might have dug the paper out....of the trash...and I showed Jin hyung, and Kookie and Namjoon last night...."

"And you're just now telling me this?!?!? why did you save it anyways???!"

"Hey, I just wanted them to see it because I thought it was so good! They really liked it too."


You stop advancing, feeling some pride rush over you. "Did they say anything-No, that's besides the point! Why didn't you tell me about that, or ask??"

"You were throwing it out anyhow, I didn't think I had to ask, I'm sorry. And I didn't think it was important to mention it....."

"Yeah well-"

"Listen, let's talk to the others, I'm sure it was an honest mistake... I didn't exactly tell them you really didn't want to include it in the sets, and half of them I never even showed it to..."

"Okay... Yoongi?"

"Hmm?" He doesn't look up from texting.

"I really am sorry about everything I did, and for not trusting you."

"It's okay. I love you."

"I love you too"

The group text is sent to the rest and in a few minutes you're all piled into Yoongi's studio.

You end up sitting in Yoongi's lap to make enough room for all 8 people. Its also possible he pulled you into his lap fearing the need to restrain you from leaping onto whoever did switch the designs. They sit on the couch and on various side tables watching you with very confused and curious faces.

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