Stylist Noona Pt 88(Our Secret)(Smut and Fluff)

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"I just really wish we had a sign or something. So we knew if all of this was working." You whine to Namjoon and Yoongi as they sit with you. You've gotten used to sitting with your legs up the wall for longer spans of time, but you're still so bored. Thankfully they are wonderful enough to sit with you for the whole hour, just to talk about whatever comes to mind.

"I know, doll, I wish we could have immediate feedback too," Joon grazes his thumb down the sides of your face. "But that's not how our reproductive systems work."

"I know." Your voice betrayed your worry.

Yoongi squeezes your hand gently, your eyes meet his under his messy fringe.

"It will happen baby, don't worry. Eventually."

"I know it will, but I don't know how much more of this I can take." This: 7 men every night for the past 2 weeks. "I'm so tired all the time now. Not to mention I'm getting real sore."

They mirror your slight pout, with real pity in their sweet eyes.

"Maybe we should take a few days off. It probably wouldn't hurt to give our boys some time to generate more ... juice, Sorry" He notices how both you and Yoongi cringe at his choice of vernacular. "I did notice I've not been producing as much as usual, that's all."

"I thought so, but when you're on the receiving end, it's kinda hard to tell with it all sloshing around in there."

"We are leaving to visit the new house in a few days, maybe you're right. We should just rest while we're there." Yoongi agrees mildly. "Give that poor pussy a break."

"Well thank you ever so kindly." You gesture a bow making the two laugh.

You knew the likelihood of getting pregnant so soon after using birthcontrol was slim, but after night after night of sex with all seven of them you really had hoped you would have gotten some positive results by now. Which is part of the reason you were glad to take a few days off. You were so discouraged, the fun part of making a baby was not as fun the last few times.

You still hope you'll get pregnant sooner rather than later. They still haven't given a date for Jin's service, there's a ticking clock hanging over all of you.

Suddenly, Joon's phone alarm beeps, letting you know your time out is done.

"Okay, who wants to help me up?" You throw your arms up above you waiting for one of them to pick you up.

"I've got you kitten." Namjoon stands up, gripping your waist hauling you up to your feet.

You immediately feel the tell tale churning beginning, but you're not really concerned. You've timed how fast you have to walk to get up to the shower before the liquid really starts flowing out of you. And let's just say you don't have to break any land speed records to get upstairs in time, but you can't exactly doddle and have a coffee break either.

7:00 am, flashes on your phone as you hit dismiss on your alarm. You roll back onto your pillow and sigh out a yawn.

And today's the day. You'll be leaving in a few short hours, so regrettably it is time to get out of your all too comfy bed.

It's only a 1 night stay, so packing takes all of 5 minutes. You shower and throw on some jeans and the buttery soft sweater Tae got you for Christmas. It's finally cool enough that the sweater is going to be perfect for a cozy and calm family vacation.

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