the first look - knj

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he takes a deep breath in and slowly releases it. tears prick his eyes and he blinks hard, trying to get rid of them. his hands shake at his sides before he interlocks them together, leaving them to rest in front of him. he was nervous. so nervous.

you step outside and see his back facing you. you smile softly and look down, moving your gown to ensure that you don't trip. you swallow hard and clear your throat. the maid of honor fixes your veil and your train. you were nervous. so very nervous.

"she's coming, namjoon." the photographer grabs his arm and smiles. he nods and moves his shoulders back and stands tall. he bit his lips to hold back his smile.

the photographer looks in your direction and nods. your maid of honor hugs you and gently rubs your back. "you look beautiful," she whispers in your ear. you thank her and turn back. you make your way over and stop once you reach him. you can hear him breathing deeply.

clicking from the camera is going off as you stand there behind him. he feels your presence and reaches one hand back for you to take. you gently hold it and he rubs your knuckles with his thumb. "hi baby," he says. you laugh and return the hello.

he stays turned around. you take a deep breath and let go of his hand and press your palm to his shoulder. he slowly spins around. tears are already running down his face and he smiles big, dropping his head in his hands. you tear up at his reaction and laugh softly. he looks back up at you and stares for a minute.

"my beautiful," he chokes, holding your face in his hands. he carefully wipes your tears, being weary of your makeup. he wraps his arms around your waist, holding you close. he gently cries in your shoulder. only for a moment. he brings his head back up and looks at you. he takes your hand and presses it to his chest.

"i am so thankful to call you mine," he kisses your hand. "so, so, so thankful"

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