one last time

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it was coming to an end. earth.

the sky was red. meteorites flew by. the buildings were coming down. smoke had taken over the atmosphere. there wasn't enough time. not for you. not for him. not for anyone.

he rushed into the living room. he was holding your backpack. you turn around. he was breathing heavy.

"cmon baby," he says.

you slide your backpack over your shoulders. he walked out the door. you follow him. you turn around, taking one look at everything. your life with him was here. it had always been here. you had to start anew. it was terrifying to think about.

he didn't like to think about it either. he didn't want to know what was going to happen on that ship. test trials had ran for years. they wanted to perfect it. they had to get to the other planet. earth was no good. they asked him to be one of the first. he said yes.

only if the could bring you with.

life was useless if you weren't with him.

he grabs ahold of your hand. you look at him. he gives you a comforting smile. you nod. he runs with you to the car.

it was a long ride. too long. chaos took over the city for a while there. everyone ran around, getting what they could from shops. no one cared. they all took anything. everything. you refused set foot out of your home.

but if he left, so did you.

he would make a trip once a week. he'd grab as much as he could from anywhere. it did you both good for awhile. once the atmosphere got worse and infected everyone, you stayed in. and he stayed with you. it was only a matter of time before you could leave.

he was lucky to be one of the first. everyone had the chance to sign. if you missed the date, you were left behind. they made ships once they had all the applications. they wouldn't make extra. they had only enough for those who apply. you didn't know one person who didn't apply. it scared you to think about. you couldn't imagine being left.

you couldn't imagine being without him.

he fought with them to get you on his ship. they kept telling him you would make it on another. he knew. but he didn't want you on another. he wanted you with him.

he drove fast. he held the steering wheel tight. his other hand was clung to your hand. he sped around the broken debris. it was too long of a drive. there wasn't time. he had to get there. he had to be safe.

he had to have you safe. if anything, he just wanted you safe.

you stare out the window. you look at the sky. the meteorites got closer. your heart started racing. they had progressively gotten closer. it was hard to stay relaxed. one hit from that and it would be over. so fast.

he pulls in front of the station. he gets out and grabs your hand quick. he didn't want to be away from you for more than a second. he needed you close. to him.

he runs with you to the gates. a group of them stand there. they look at him. he gives them his name. he gives them your name.

they look at him. check.

they look at you. they tilt their heads. they look at their clipboard.

"there's no room for her."

his heart pounds. he looks at them. he clenches his jaw. "what?"

"her name is not on here. she did not apply in time. we have no room."

you interrupt. you did apply. you applied with him. he sat with you as you filled everything out. he was not leaving without you.

"she filled it out with me. we submitted them at the same time. she has to be on-"

"she isn't."

he grabs the man's collar. he's quickly pulled off and held back. they hold his arms. you shove them off. you press your hand to his chest and walk him backwards.

"i'm not leaving you here," he looks down at you. tears fall down his face. you nod.

he has to, you tell him.

"baby no," he cries. you shake your head and hug him tight.

the ground shakes. they rush to pick up their things. they grab ahold of his shirt.

"we need to leave now. it's starting."

he holds onto you tighter. he takes a deep breath.

he kisses you. a long, hard, deep kiss. he holds your face. he didn't want to stop.

he knew he had to.

"i love you. so much."

he knew what he had to do.

"take her."

he shoves you into their arms.

"she's taking my spot. just go."

you tell him no.

"i want you to live a good life. you deserve to be in a beautiful place. you make the most out of it. i will be waiting for you. on the other side. i will always be waiting for you."

you scream. they pull you back with them. you call out for him. you kick. you punch. you cry. you fight. they pick you up. you scream his name.

he stands at the gates. he cries as he watches you.

he wasn't letting you die. he wanted everything for you and him. he wanted to live a long life. he wanted to go to his new home and be in paradise forever. he wanted to be safe from the damage that had been done to this poor place.

but if he had to give it all up just so you could experience it for yourself.

he would.

you cry louder. they drag you onto the ship. you bang on the doors. you stare out at the window.

he stays still.

you cry at the door. you yelled at them to leave you. they couldn't. once you signed, you had to go.

you look out the window. you press your hand onto it.

he tells you he loves you.

one last time.

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