count to three - jhs

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tw/ anxiety

you called him once more. you bounced your knee up and down, taking deep breaths. it was so late. you couldn't sleep. thoughts kept running through your head. until it took over your body. you couldn't calm down.

you hated calling him about this. you felt bad. you felt like a burden to him. but he helped you. he was always there.

you hear him pick up on the other line. you ask him to come over.

"i'm coming," he says. you hang up the phone. you walk around the room for a while. you couldn't calm down.

he runs up to the door. he unlocks it and rushes in. he sees you in the room. he walks over.

"baby," he whispers.

you cling onto him. he holds you tight. you cry into his shoulder. he holds the back of your head. he kisses your temple.

"count to three baby," he whispers in your ear. you count one. a deep breath. you count two. another. three. another.

he feels your heart against his chest. he keeps his hand on the back of your head and his lips near your ear.

"tell me what you did today," he quietly says. you hold onto him. you lay your head on his shoulder. he sways back and forth softly. you begin to talk about your day. your voice shakes. you tell him you enjoyed the weather.

"it was nice, wasn't it? we should go swimming when it's like this again," you nod against his chest. you feel your heart slow. he rubs your shoulder.

"you wanna hear about mine?" you nod again.

he begins to tell you what he did. you close your eyes as he talks. you felt his voice in his chest. you held him tighter. he knew exactly what to do. you loved him for that.

"here," he walks to the bed with his arm around your waist. you lay down. he walks to the other side and lays next to you.

he pulls you close to him. he held you tight. you held onto his bicep. he squeezed you every now and then. you close your eyes. he kissed your head.

you felt safe when he held you like that. like nothing could ever hurt you.

and he wouldn't let it.

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