don't be - kth

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he sat on the couch, his arm wrapped around your shoulder. your head laid on his shoulder as you both watched the movie in front of you.

it was your fourth date. you liked him. he really liked you. he wanted you to be his. he wanted you. just you. you still got butterflies being around him. he was nothing less than perfect.

he hadn't kissed you yet, though.

you eventually worried. you didn't know if it was because he was nervous. you didn't know if it was because your breath was awful. you didn't know if it was because he didn't like you that way. you hoped it was because he was nervous. you were just as nervous. you wanted to keep it going with him.

he had to kiss you. he knew he had to. he didn't know why he hasn't yet. he wasn't nervous. he didn't think your breath smelled bad. he really liked you. he just hasn't shown you yet. he planned on it.

he rubbed your arm softly, continuing to watch the movie. he shifted a little. you picked your head up amd looked at him. you asked if he was ok. he nodded. he put his hand on your cheek and brushed his thumb against it. you looked at him.

"i wanna kiss you," he whispered. butterflies erupted in your stomach. you told him you were nervous. he smiles softly.

"don't be," he brushed this thumb along your bottom lip. he pressed his lips to yours. you melt in his grip.

he kisses you slowly and sweetly. your heart beat out of your chest. you hoped he didn't feel it against his. he gripped your waist and pulled you closer. you wrap your arms around his neck. he kisses you harder. you kiss him back.

he pulls away after a moment, breathing heavy. you look at him. he smiles at you.

"i've been wanting to do that for awhile now," he says. you smile and bite your lip. he moves your hair out of your face.

he holds your cheek again. he resumes the kiss. you realize you were nervous for nothing. he knew how. he showed you how.

you could kiss him forever, if time allowed.

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