beautiful, important - myg

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he stands in the doorway to the bathroom with his arms crossed, looking at you looking in the mirror. you slowly grab the hem of your t-shirt and pull it over your head, tossing it aside. he watches you. you take a deep breath in and a shaky one out.

he walks over to you and stands behind you. he puts his hands on your arms and rubs them softly. "what are you thinking?" he whispers.

you shake your head. you feel your throat get tight. you tell him about your insecurities. all about how you don't like how you look. how he could've been with someone who was skinner. who was prettier. instead he was with you. someone who wasn't confident. someone who didn't love the body they were in.

he looks at you through the mirror. "are you kidding me?" he says quietly. you make eye contact with him. tears run down his face. you bite your lip. he holds your waist and turns you around.

"i can't stand here and listen to you talk about yourself like this," he wipes your tears with his thumbs. "i don't want anyone else," he wipes his own tears with the back of his hand. "god i wish you could know how beautiful you really are. how beautiful i think you are," he pushes your hair behind your ear.

"this," he turns you back around so you can look in the mirror again. "this is what keeps you going. it's what keeps you alive. if you didn't have this, you wouldn't be here right now. with me," he steps in front of you and holds your face in his hands. tears fall faster down his cheeks and his eyes are red and puffy.

"you. are. beautiful. and important," he kisses you softly. "i only want you. i only need you. don't doubt my love for you like that." he pulls you close to him, letting you cry softly into his chest.

you are beautiful. you are important.

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