slow night - pjm

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he walks through the door. he looks at the ceiling. the lights are off. the rain hits the glass hard outside. he smiles softly to himself. he knew you liked it dark when it was raining. he set his stuff on the kitchen table. he takes off his jacket and hangs it up with his keys.

you sit on the couch. you hold your knees to your chest. you liked when it rained. it was so calming. you were happiest then. you stare out the window, watching the cars drive by.

"honey," you smile when you hear his voice. you turn around.

he walks over, sitting behind you. you lay back against his chest. he leans back against the cushions. he wraps his arms around you, pressing his lips to the top of your head.

"i missed you," he whispers. you look up at him. he smiles and kisses you. you smile against his lips.

he made your heart melt. whether it was the first kiss or the millionth, he always made you feel butterflies.

you ask about his day. he sighs. "it was long. exhausting," he lays his head back.

you lift yourself up and turn around. you lay your arm across his waist and your head on his shoulder. he holds you close. he kisses your forehead. "i'm just glad i'm with you now."

you smile. you lay with him in silence. he stares out at the rain. you do the same. you listen to his heartbeat. you smile softly to yourself. beautiful.

he takes a deep breath. "can we go to bed early," you sit up, nodding.

he gets up and walks into the bedroom. you follow him. he changes into comfier clothes. you do the same. he smiles at your choice of clothes. his. "cute."

you pull back the covers and get under them. he slides in. he props himself up on his elbow. he looks down at you. he moves your hair out of your face. hi, you say.

he laughs softly. "hi pretty."

he slowly connects his lips to yours. you hold his cheek. you kiss him back. he holds your waist, rubbing little circles on your skin. you smile. so does he.

he pulls away. he lays down, turning to face you. you look at him.

"rock paper scissors for little spoon," he holds up a fist.

you laugh. you play with him. he cheers with a smile on his face when he wins. you laugh again. he turns around. you wrap an arm around his chest.

he pulls your hand up to his lips. he keeps them there.

"i love you," he mumbles.

you kiss his shoulder.

i love you, you reply.

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