that's all i need - jhs

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his phone dropped from his hands. he sprints out the doors and into his car, speeding out of the parking garage. his hands were shaking on the wheel. he gripped it tighter. he pulls into the parking lot and runs inside.

"where is she? what room is she in?" he asks. the nurse takes too long. he slams his fist on the counter. she jumps. 105.

he starts down the hall. he stops at 105. he storms in.

you lay in the hospital bed. there's bruises up and down your arms. a huge gash on your forehead. wires hooked up to your arms and chest. a nasal cannula attached under your nose, supplying you with oxygen.

you look over at him. your heart rate spikes. you reach out for him. wires and cords pull machines as you move. you didn't care. you just wanted him.

"hey hey," he says, hurrying towards the bed and grabbing your hand. "don't move much. i'm here now."

he helps you scoot over. he lays down next to you, holding you close to his chest. you wince from the pain in your stomach.

"they said you broke a few ribs when your car flipped," he whispers into your hair and kisses the top of your head. you hold onto his shirt. he closes his eyes and holds you close.

"i'm right here," he says. your tears stain his shirt. he didn't care. he looks at the monitor next to him. "take deep breaths," he sits you up and holds your back. he takes them with you. your numbers go back to normal.

you try explaining what happened to him. you worried that he was mad you crashed his car. he shook his head.

"you mean more to me than any car in my garage," he looks at you. "you're alive. that's all i need."

he kisses you gently, careful not to hurt you.

you close your eyes and lay your head on his chest. you feel no pain. only him. that's all you need.

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