do you even love me? - kth

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"do you even love me?"

your words struck his heart hard as he stares at you in disbelief. he didn't know a question like that could even come from someone like you.

he started thinking of when he knew he loved you. 

he was driving you home one night, before you lived with him. his hand was intertwined with yours and music was softly playing in the background. he arrived to your home and he put the car into park and looked over at you.

you were gathering your things that were sitting by your feet. a smile had formed on his lips as he watched you. he found you stunning. he could look at you for hours and he wouldn't get bored. you intrigued him. he studied you.

you eventually met his eyes and he winked at you. he cursed at himself for thinking it was cringey. but when you laughed, he felt better. he unbuckled his seatbelt and got out of the car. he walked to your door and opened it for you. he smiled when you kissed his cheek.

he walked you up to your front porch. you both stood under the dimmed light, looking at each other. he stared into your eyes.

he watched them smile.

his heart beat faster. his hands started shaking. his breath hitched in his throat.

he quickly said goodbye and walked around the corner.

you stood there confused. why didn't he kiss you? you've kissed him before. maybe he thought his breath smelled bad. you didn't think so, though.

he stood with his hand on his car door. he took a deep breath and walked back around the corner. he hurried up the porch steps and pulled you into him, colliding his lips with yours.

you wrapped around arms around his neck and he gripped your waist tighter. he kissed you harder. you pressed your hand to his cheek. he slowly pulled away and looked at you.

"i love you"

he shook his head after looking back on the memory, returning his eyes to yours. he was crying now, as were you.

"with all that i am" he replies.

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