legos - ksj

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you walk in holding your son on your hip. you raise an eyebrow when you see him on the floor. he turns around. he smiles.

"they're legos," he shifts to the side. you peek over him and smile. you ask if he can watch your son while you make dinner.

he nods, holding his arms up. you hand him over. he smiles and talks to him, setting him in his lap. you walk out and into the kitchen.

you softly laugh to yourself. you were glad he never changed. you liked that he loved to do kid things. it made him a good dad.

he sat with his son in his lap. he held up the instructions. "ok buddy we're making a spaceship tonight."

he flails his arms and screeches. he laughs. "yes a spaceship!"

he begins gathering pieces to build the cockpit. he doesn't make it far. his son begins to play with the pieces, sticking them in his mouth. he constantly pried the pieces out of his hands. he didn't like that. he begins to cry.

you stick the food in the oven. you hear crying from the other room. you hear a loud groan. you turn around and see the door open. he walks out, holding your son in his hands.

"baby," he sighs. you laugh. he walks over to you. "take him away from me. i must finish building my spaceship."

you throw your head back and laugh. he sighs and walks back in the room. you smile to yourself. you poke your son's stomach, causing him to laugh. you play with him in the living room while waiting for the food.

he comes back out, holding the finished piece. "voilà!" he smiles. you clap. he bows. "thank you, thank you."

he picks up his son from your hands. he rubs his back.

"i'm sorry for kicking you out. dad had business to take care of."

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