time - kth

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you stand in front of him. he crosses his arms and looks at you. you laugh and roll your eyes. you tell him this is exactly why you didn't want to confront him about it.

"you just told me i don't give you attention. what the fuck do you think i'm doing when i come home to you?" he yells.

you yell back at him. you tell him he never answers his phone. even when you know he doesn't have anything going on. how he comes home late constantly. how you're by yourself half the day because he's no where to be found.

he grips his hair by the roots. "where have you been?" he closes his eyes. he raises his voice. "don't you understand what i do for a living? how much time i have to devote to my music and the other members?"

you raise yours. people made time for the person they love. he wasn't doing that. you sacrificed a lot for him he wasn't doing the same.

he feels tears run down his face. he was angry. so, so angry. "i have told you since the fucking beginning that i have to give much of my time to my job. you told me that you understood. and here you are, screaming at me about that exact thing."

he steps back. he yells louder. "i work my ass of everyday so i can try and come home early to you. there is so much shit that goes on that you don't know about. shit that prevents me from being able to give my time to you."

you stand in front of him. you refuse to move. he continues. "i am so in love with you it physically pains me. i can't give you the time you deserve. i've told you that. but i love what i do too. i've been doing it for a long time. i'm not letting it go."

he cries harder. his tears mixed with anger and sadness. he looks at you. you look at him.

he holds his head in his hands and drops to the floor. you walk over, holding him in your arms. you press your lips to the top of his head. you close your eyes. tears fall down your cheeks.

he cries in your arms. his hands moved from his face to your arms, holding onto tight. "i don't know how i can fix this," he sobs.

you tell him he doesn't need to fix anything. you tell him he's perfect. you tell him it was your fault. you knew how busy he was. you knew he tried his best. you knew he told you before you were together. you were selfish.

you both sit on the kitchen floor. he cries for a long time. you let him. he calms down after a while. he sits up and rubs his eyes. you help him up and walk to the bedroom with him. he lays down with you. you hold him again. he lays his head on your shoulder.

you knew he loved you.

but he loved army more.

you were ok with that.

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