something special - pjm

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he sits on the couch, watching the movie in front of him. you sat on the other side, eyes on the movie as well. he looked over at you every now and then. you never noticed. he'd just smile. he liked watching you watch the movie.

you shift your body and lay your head back on the cushion. he notices. he makes his way closer to you. he pulls you into his side. you smile, laying your head on his shoulder.

he sighs. he grabs the remote and turns the tv off. you lift your head and look at him. he gets up and walks to the lights, switching them off. the street lights and the rain on the windows are the only thing illuminating the room. he sits back down and faces you. you ask why he did that.

he says nothing. he takes your hand and gently pulls you towards him. you sit on his lap, your legs on either side of his body. he holds your lower back.

he looks at you. "you're something special."

you keep looking at him. he moves his hand to your face, gently brushing his fingers across your cheek.

"i could be with you all day and still need more of you," you felt butterflies. he slowly presses his lips to yours.

you kiss him back. your lips move in sync. he was so intimate with the way he kissed. he moved slowly and softly. he always held you close. he would always hold your waist and move his thumb in tiny circles against your skin. your heart was constantly racing when he kissed you. he did it so well.

he pulls away. you keep your lips lingering on his. he brushes his against yours.

"everything is still when you kiss me."

you move your hand to the back of his hair and rub softly. he closes his eyes and leans his head back onto your hand. you kiss his neck softly up to his lips.

he kisses you once again.

slowly. softly. perfectly.

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