just him - knj

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the rain came pouring down. you stood outside, taking deep breaths to yourself. you didn't care about not having an umbrella or a coat. the rain felt good. the days got harder as time passed. you didn't know losing someone would hurt this bad. someone so close to you.

he stood at the back door and watched you. he couldn't describe the hurt he felt seeing you this way. he couldn't stand there and see you outside. he worried you'd get sick.

he grabbed an umbrella and a jacket of his. he also grabbed a blanket. he opened and closed the back door. he made his way towards you.

you didn't feel the rain anymore. you look to your side. he stands there, already looking at you. he gives you a soft smile.

"here," he says. he puts the jacket on you and zips it up.  he wraps the blanket around your shoulders. "i didn't want you getting sick," you nod softly.

he wraps his arms around your shoulders. you press your face into his chest. he feels you crying against him. he closes his eyes. he kisses your hair. he says nothing.

you stay there for a while. you felt safe in his arms. he was the one thing that could make you forget all the hurt you were going through. without him, you couldn't do it.

"my love," he whispers against your hair. "let's go inside," you wipe your eyes and hold the blanket around you.

he puts his hand on the small of your back. you walk in with him. he leads you to the bathroom. he runs a bath. you undress and sit in the tub, holding your knees to your chest. he washes your hair and your body. he brings you new clothes. you change into them.

he sits on the edge of the bed, holding out his hands. you walk towards him and into his arms. he holds you tight. he brings you to lay down with him. you cry a little more. he rubs your back.

he knew with time you'd feel better. he knew nothing he said would help you now. he stayed silent. he never tried to quiet you. he never tried to tell you how to feel. he only listened.

that's all you needed. just him.

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