someday - ksj

541 18 0

you stand at your family reunion, crowded from all the bodies in the park. it was an annual thing. you normally dreaded it. but he was with you this time.

he stood next to you, his hand on your waist. you both examined the room. he wasn't sure who to talk to. neither were you. he scans the room. he stops on the kids table.

"hold my punch," he hands his plastic cup to you. you raise your eyebrow at him. he walks over to the kids table.

you see him start talking to them. he tries to fit his legs under the plastic table. the kids start laughing at him. you smile to yourself.

he somehow fits at the table. he brings his feet up to the other side. the kids laugh again. they mess with his shoes.

"hey not my shoes!" he says. they laugh harder. he looks over at you. he nods his head for you to come over. you walk to him.

"babe would you-" the kids cut him off. they shout "ew" and "gross" at the name. he laughs at them. he stands up and hugs you close. they shout "cooties". you thought it was cute.

the kids grab his hand and beg him to walk to the play set nearby. he abides and runs over with them. you watch him push your cousin on the swings. she has a huge smile on her face. he gives she an underdog. she laughs.

the kids tire themselves after awhile. you walk over to the swings and sit next to him. he swings back and forth slowly. he holds out his hand. you take it. he smiles at you.

"i think they like me," you laugh and agree. he pulls your swing to him and kisses you. you hold his cheek.

from a distance you hear more "ew's" and "that's gross". he pulls you up and dips you down, kissing you again. the kids scream again. he pulls away and laughs.

"it'll be nice to have this with you someday," he says.

you smile. you were thinking the same thing.

the little storiesOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz