to you - ksj

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he rests his wrist on the top of the steering wheel. his other hand gripping your thigh. he rubbed small circles. it was late. he looked over at you. he smiled to himself as you laid next to him, asleep.

he looked back out at the road ahead of him. he notices a gas station. he lifts his hand. he mentally scolds himself for not getting gas earlier. he takes his hand off your thigh, taking the exit towards the gas station.

he got out and shut the door gently. he tried his best not to wake you. he stands at his gas tank, holding the lever. he shoves his hand in his pocket. he looks up at the sky.

the stars shined brightly. there were millions. he never liked space. not before you. you could talk for hours about the stars and the planets. he found it boring. but you were passionate about it. so he listened.

he sets the pump back in its place and gets in the car. he notices the mountains close by. he takes a detour.

you shift in your seat as you feel the road get bumpy. you rub your eyes, opening them. the car stopped. you looked at him.

he unbuckles his seat belt, then yours. "come here," he gets out of the car. you yawn, following him.

he stands at the top of the cliff. he holds his hand out. you slowly walk to him, taking his hand. you kept your eyes on the landscape. it was dark. you look at the sky. you gasp at the stars. he smiles. he walks to the hood of the car. he climbs on, pulling your hand towards him. you sit next to him.

he lies back on the glass. you lay down with him. his bicep held your head. he kept one foot on the hood, the other dangling.

"i thought we could use a break," he leans his cheek on the top of your head. "i know you like the stars."

you reach out. he brings his free hand around and holds it, running his thumb across your knuckles.

he lets you talk his ear off about space. he kept his eyes on the sky, a soft smile on his lips.

he liked to listen.

especially to you.

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