couldn't ever figure out - knj

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"how does it work?"

he lifts his head hearing you talk. he tilts his head.

"how does what work?" he asks. he closes his book softly and sets it on the table.


he smiles at your question. "well," he shifts in his seat. "what do you mean by that?"

"i couldn't ever figure out how to love."

he shakes his head. "that's impossible," he stands up and holds out his hand, waiting for you to take it. you grab it and stand up, letting him walk you to the living room and onto the couch. he sits down and holds your hand, tracing around your knuckles.

"you know how to love," he says and pushes your hair behind your ear. you tilt your head. he continues. "i know you do. you show me everyday,"

he lets go of your hand and walks into the bedroom. he comes back out with a notebook in hand and sits down. he hands it to you. "read through that," he gestures to the notebook.

you raise an eyebrow and open the notebook. you lightly gasp.

"how she loves me"

you look up at him. he has a smile on his face. "go ahead. read it."

you look back down at the notebook and continue down the page.

"she asked me how my day was."
"she told me to get home safely."
"she offered to make me dinner because i was tired."
"she gave me a foot massage. she hates feet."
"she sat and listened to me talk about lyrics for hours."
"she woke me up when my alarm didn't."
"she called my parents."
"she called me beautiful. i've never heard that from someone."
"she told me that a song reminded her of me."
"she asked if she could kiss me. i said yes."
"she cried when i cried."
"she shared her favorite food with me. she never does that."
"she had a dream about me."

a tear drop hits the page and you close your eyes. you didn't realize you started crying. neither did he.

"why are you crying?" he laughs and rubs your arm. you shake your head and sniff hard. you look up at him. he takes his hands and holds your cheeks, wiping your tears with his thumbs.

"you know how to love. even if you don't know it. that little book is filled with ways you love me," he points to the book. "they help me write songs," you look at him.

"you show me that you love me every single day in every single way. you just don't realize it," he pulls you into his lap.

"i wouldn't trade your love for the world," he kisses you sweetly. "you're all i need."

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