all that matters - myg

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he picks his head up when he hears you start to yell. he sets his computer on the couch and stands, walking over to the closed door. he grabs the door handle and presses his ear against the wood.

he hears you crying. he doesn't go in. he wants you to finish the call. he doesn't pay attention to what you say. he only knows you're upset. and he wants to get in there and hold you. and help you

you yell louder in the phone. you hated fighting with your parents. it was frustrating trying to get through to them. they didn't see him as a good fit for you. they didn't approve of you moving to be with him. they controlled every aspect of your life for years. and you were sick of it.

tears of anger ran down your face. you yelled even louder. you couldn't get through to them. you hung up the phone and threw it across the room.

he heard the thud. he opened the door. you look at him. you pace around the room with your hands in your hair. he sits on the bed.

you rant to him. you tell him how badly they talk about him. you can't stand it. they don't understand how much you love him. they don't get that you have been so much happier after you found him. he was yours.

he says nothing. he lets you yell. let your anger out. he listens. really listens to you. he doesn't try and tell you that you're overreacting. he doesn't try and get you to see their point of view. he knows you've struggled for a long time. he understands you.

you held your head. the pressure got thicker the more angry you got. the more you cried. you let out a shaky breath. he knows that's when you've finished. he grabs your hand.

"come here," he tugs you gently towards him. you sit next to him. he pulls you legs over his thigh. he holds you close. you lay your head on his shoulder. he rubs your head.

you tell him you're sorry. he looks down at you. "why are you sorry?"

you felt sorry for the way your parents treated him. you wished you could have a healthy relationship between the four of you. it didn't happen like that.

he kisses you softly. "i couldn't give a shit less about what they think of me," you laugh lightly. he smiles.

"i love you and you love me," he rubs your legs.

"that's all that matters."

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