medicine - jhs

534 24 3

tw: anxiety/anxiety attack

he sits in a chair, watching you from across the room. his makeup artist filled in his eyeshadow. people crowded around each other. it was a busy day. you both knew that.

you start to feel your heart race. your mind begins running fast. you grip your hands together and hold them to your chest. your throat gets tight. you breathe deeply. it doesn't help much.

he keeps his eyes on you. you look around the room for him. you feel your eyes sting with tears. he gets out of his seat and walks towards you. he takes your hand and walks out of the room. you walk behind him into a smaller room. an empty room.

he holds your arms in his hands. you breathe hard and fast. tears fall down your face.

"look at me," he looks in your eyes. you look at him right back. "breathe with me," he counts to three. you take a deep breath with him. "again," he counts to three. you take another.

you feel your shoulders relax. he notices. he wraps your arms around him. he holds you close. he rubs your back. you grip onto him and lay your head on his shoulder. he pets your hair.

"you're ok," he whispers. he kisses your hair. you hug him tighter.

he stays that way with you for a long time. he pulls back and moves your hair out of your face. you look up at him.

"do you feel ok?" you nod. he nods with you.

he holds your hands in his. he rubs your knuckles with his thumbs. you connect your lips to his. he holds your cheek. you pull away. he smiles softly.

you thank him. he kisses you again. "that's what i'm here for, baby," one more kiss. "to be your medicine."

you smile at him. he was right.

he was your medicine.

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