the first date - knj

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he sits in the back of the uber, holding your hand. he hoped you didn't notice how sweaty his palms were. you did. but you didn't say anything. it was cute how nervous he was. he stared out the window, holding back a smile.

the night went perfectly. he brought you to a restaurant and to a museum after. you both had a couple glasses of wine in your blood. that's what made it so fun.

the uber pulls into the apartment complex. he sends the money through and helps you out of the car. he wipes off his hand on the sides of his pants before taking yours again. he walks with you to the lobby.

it was silent. not an awkward silence, though. a kind of silence that was comforting. a "the date was amazing and we're now just enjoy each other's presence" kind of silence.

he stands with you in the elevator. you lay your head on his shoulder. he rests his cheek on your head. you squeeze his hand. he squeezes back.

he walks you to your apartment door on the fifth floor. you search for your keys in your bag. he admires you. a soft smile on his lips. you pull them out and look up at him.

"did you have fun?" he asked. you nodded with a smile. he smiles back. "i'm glad."

you look into his eyes. he stares back.

you wanted him to kiss you. he wanted to kiss you.

you didn't know if he wanted to kiss you. he didn't know if you wanted to be kissed.

fuck it.

he slid his hand onto your cheek. he leans in, pressing his lips to yours. you kiss him back. you relax your arm around his neck. he kisses you. really kisses you.

he pulls away with a smile on his lips. you press your lips together, holding back a smile.

"i'll see you tomorrow," he winks. you blush, unlocking your door and walking inside.

he watches the door click shut. he silently punches the air. he jumps up and down. he inaudibly shouts. he skips down the hallway.

he kissed you.

you kissed him back.

he was over the moon for you.

he wanted you forever.

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