gym time - jjk

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you liked going with him to work out. he always worked longer than you did, but you didn't mind. you liked to watch him. it was impressive the way he did.

you sat on the bench, drinking water. the room was dimly lit. he liked it like that. he focused more. you were the only two there. he stood a few feet in front of you, lifting the bar up and down.

his tattoos were shining from the sweat. his hair was dripping. his back muscles popped everytime he lifted. you liked to watch him.

he watched himself in the mirror. he finished his last reps and set the bar down. he took off the tape on his hands and threw it away. he turned around and walked towards you.

your eyes were focused on his chest. he laughed deeply.

"you ok, baby?" he asks. you quickly look up at him and nod fast. he smirks.

he leaned down in front of you. he rested his hands on the bench. his necklace swung back and forth softly. he was centimeters away from your lips. "it's not polite to stare."

you wrap your finger around his necklace and pull him to you. he kisses you. he smiles against your lips. he pushes his hands under your thighs and picks you up. he turns around, sitting down with you in his lap. he never breaks the kiss. you rest your arms around his shoulders. you kiss down his neck. he hums in your ear. he holds your hips close.

"feels good," he whispers deep in your ear. you connect your lips with his again.

he pulls away after another minute. he smirks at you. "where'd that come from?"

you shrug. you tell him he looked good with the lights low.

he raises an eyebrow. "maybe i'll turn the lights down more often if i know it causes you to do that."

you kiss him one more time. you stand up, grabbing your water bottle. he stands with you. he puts his sweatshirt on. he wraps an arm around your waist.

"i cannot wait for this shower," you laugh.

you couldn't either.

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