affirmations - jjk

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you walk hand in hand into the ballroom. strings of lights hung from the ceiling, illuminating the room just enough. flowers were scattered around the floor. the room was empty.

it was only you and him.

he takes off his suit jacket and sets it on the back of his chair. you walk to the middle of the floor, looking around at the beautiful display. he look at you. he smiles to himself.

the display was nice to him. but you were the only thing he wanted to look at.

he walks to you, holding out his hand. you rest yours in his and he squeezes gently. he slides his other hand around your waist, pulling you into him. you rest your arm on his shoulder.

he kisses you. he pulls you closer to him. as close as he could possibly be. you hold his face in your hand, your other arm around his neck. he kisses you slow. he wanted to soak up every second.

he pulls away and looks at you. he opens his mouth. he stuttered. he shook his head.

he couldn't find the words. there wasn't one word or phrase in any language to describe how happy he was in that moment. how much he loved you. how beautiful he thought you were.

you laugh softly as he stands in awe. you kiss him. you tell him you know. he smiles.

you lay your head on his shoulder. he holds one arm around your waist. he took his other hand and brushed his fingers up and down your upper back. you closed your eyes.

he began to sing in your ear. you smile into his neck. he spun around slowly with you. he closed his eyes. he had already cried enough today. he didn't think he had any left in him.

but he was so, so happy.

tears fell down his face. you lift your head off his shoulder and look at him. he laughs and drops his head. you rest your hand on his cheek, wiping his tears. you wrap your arms around his neck. he holds your face in his hands and kisses you

"you are heavenly," he says. you hold the back of his head and massage it.

"i look at you and i still feel how i did the first time i saw you," you swallow hard and feel your throat get tight.

he shakes his head. "i'm so in love with you," he brushes his thumb on your cheek. "i have never in my life felt the way about someone the way that i feel about you."

you blink hard, trying to get rid of the tears. he continues.

"you are everything. absolutely everything to me."

you kiss him. he holds and kisses you back.

"i love you, my beautiful wife."

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