all mine - pjm

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he stands in the kitchen, fixing his cuff links and his tie then grabs the card off the counter and looks at his watch. he walks back into the bedroom and to the bathroom to find you putting on perfume.

he stops in the doorway. my god you're beautiful. he stares at your long dress. your curly hair. your dolled up face. the jewelry on your hands. everything about you. he's stunned.

you make eye contact with him and smile. he's frozen. he's never not been able to move like this. he wants to grab you and kiss you hard and long. he wants to tell you how amazing you look. there are so many things he would do.

but he can't help but just stare. his mouth slightly open. the card falls from his hand.

you walk towards him and ask if he's ok. he looks at you up and down. he then shakes his head, snapping out of it.

"you.." he starts, his voice trailing off. you turn and look in the mirror, asking if you look bad. you worry that he doesn't like the dress. you worry that he thinks it's too much for a wedding.

he shakes his head and grabs your hands. "you look.." he closes his eyes then widens them. "beautiful," he finally says, causing you to blush. you smooth out your dress and smile at him, thanking him.

he stands there for another minute, taking in your features. he clears his throat and bends down to pick up the card he had dropped. he grabs your hand and looks at you once more.

"if we didn't have this wedding to go to i would have you on the bed-" you smack his arm, causing him to laugh.

he kisses you deeply for what seems like eternity. you wish it could be. he pulls away, licking his lips and smiling.

"i cannot believe you're mine," he says, kissing you once more. "all mine."

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