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Chapter 9 The First Pick (09)

The other party is a 14-year-old boy with depression who was sent here by his parents.

Chen Ruxin also learned about the child’s situation from the other’s housekeeper. The parents were busy with his career and seldom cared about him. At first, they talked less and were silent. Later, the housekeeper found that the situation was not right. Then he told the child’s parents about the situation. However, the parents are not in the country.  , Only let the butler do it.

Looking at the child, Chen Ru didn't know why, as if thinking of Xing Ye in the memory of the original owner.

In fact, there is no similarity in appearance between the two people, but the sense of depression on them is exactly the same.

I'm afraid this child is not only depressed...

Thinking of Xing Ye, Chen Ruxin's unfamiliar feeling climbed up again.

If you can return to Xing Ye's childhood, can you avoid those tragedies?

"Impossible." In my mind, the system interrupted Chen Ruxin's thoughts, "No one can change the trajectory of the destiny of heaven, even if it is the original ending, we cannot change it."

I don't know why, Chen Ruxin actually heard something else from the system.  She asked: "If you say it, isn't my mission destined to be unsuccessful?"

"Not so, your task is just to make Xing no longer hate Tiandao, even if it is dead, it is dead without complaint." The system was afraid that she would not understand it, so it explained it more clearly, "In the original ending, Xing Ye  He accidentally got an ancient memory, which caused him to abruptly destroy the entire world."

Chen Ru was puzzled: "But doesn't the information say that Xing Ye finally died in the hands of the male protagonist Xue Mingxuan in this world?"

"Heh," the system seems to be laughing at something, "you will naturally know all the truth in the future."

"Including my memory?"

"Including your memory." The system said with a firm tone, and then asked: "Do you have any questions?"

     "who are you?"

The system was silent for a while, and then sighed: "I am the system. I am now the complete me. I was also the one who provided you with information about this world. But limited by the way of heaven, my main consciousness can only fall into a deep sleep.  I can only come out for a while. The me who is with you on weekdays can only rely on you for everything except to provide you with basic information about the mission world."

"Then who am I?"

"Chen Ruxin."

"My name is Chen Ruxin, too?"

"..." The system said strangely: "Host, did your head hit the wall?"

This tone...Chen Ruxin looked down, it seemed that "he" had fallen asleep, and said, "Shut up."

"Oh." The system is a bit wronged.

It only took a minute to talk to the system in his mind, and Chen Ruxin focused his attention on the young man sitting opposite to him.  She did not treat each other as a child, but with an adult attitude.

"Hello, Zhao Yu." Chen Ruxin looked at the teenager who didn't respond to her words and introduced herself: "My name is Chen Ruxin. I learned about you from your housekeeper..."


The young man named Zhao Yu was very defensive. No matter what Chen Ruxin said, he remained silent and seemed to be fighting against something silently.  Chen Ruxin just looked at him, there was no wave in the depths of his eyes, and she spoke to him patiently.

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