Chapter 2 - Mist and Cigars

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(Songs for this chapter -
Call Me {Alex Adair Remix} - NEIKED
Circles - WILDES)


"So what specific intel does the handsome Captain of the 141 want from little old me?" I get the feeling he likes the cheek, mustn't get talked to like that often. He's trying hard to resist, but I can see the way he's leaning in, trying to act like he's not hooked on every word.

He's more handsome up close than I thought he'd be, the stories always painted him as this ruthless tough man which he obviously is but there is also a softness to his face. His bright blue eyes are a trap of kindness and those dimples hidden under his beard are calling my name.

I think we both may be in trouble.

"Well that depends on what the attractive young lady has for me?" He says it matter-of-factly, his eyes moving a little south and then back up again. Trying to play me at my own game, he's good. Arrogant, but he is good so I'll let it slide.

"Let me think." I say it like i don't already have everything in my mind. He's perfectly paused waiting for me to answer, as if he does move the gig is up and we're both out. Everything is a game in this clandestine part of the world, it's all about the cards you're holding, and if you're willing to show them.

"How about IEDs heading for London?" That should get his attention. Oh yes, definitely. His body shifts and so does his expression. He's far more serious now, he's looking at me waiting for me to continue.

"They were just an anarchist group shouting ideas until they got a new leader a few months ago, now they want to make a bit more of an impact."

He's listening intently to every word, I like that he is at least appearing to take me seriously, his job seriously, not many people here do.

"They're called Peak Freedom. They've been making bombs out of a warehouse to set off all over London." I had people I know who were going to deal with it but if it keeps him distracted then he can sort it instead.

"Do you know where this warehouse is?" He asks his stern officer voice coming through.

"Yes." I say leaning back on the couch, trying to look smug.

"But you want something in return." He states almost sounding disappointed. Like he was hoping I would do the right thing just to do the right thing. I mean I will and I do, everyday. But he doesn't need to know that and I can have a little fun with him while I'm at it. If he wants to play my game he better be prepared to play dirty.

"Of course." I excitedly say back. He doesn't like this at all.
"What do you want?" He huffs frustrated.
"A kiss." I say back, eager for his reaction.
It is entirely worth it, the look he gives me. He doesn't know if he should be shocked that it's all I asked for or flattered that I would ask for it in the first place. I quickly look him up and down, catering to his ego first before i take him down a notch.

I put my hand out to him, he looks down at it first then back up to me, I wink at him. He tilts his head forwards slightly raising an eyebrow, my skin suddenly feels too tight for my back. He looks annoyed, not the kiss he had in mind I'm sure.

But to my surprise he does comply, taking my hand and quickly kissing it, his beard tickles my hand, his lips are soft and warm, he keeps eye contact. Goosebumps cover my arm. He still looks agitated but impressed at the same time. Making him uncomfortable is all too easy.

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