Chapter 80 - Betrayal

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(Song for this chapter
Falling Apart - MICHAEL SCHULTE)


You see what she wants you to see John.

Even if it was true, she lied to me.

She promised she wouldn't ever lie to me again. I slam the door to my office shut, going to the med kit in the cabinet and cleaning up my hand.

Sara was the love of his life so you don't need to be jealous.

I clench my fist and hit the cabinet. Rage flares through my system every time her voice echoes in my mind. Fucking Tank, using, taking whatever he wants without thinking of anyone else.

I slump down at the desk and continue with the paperwork I was working on. Even Ghost is in on this now!? I knew he liked and respected her but I'm still his commanding officer.

The image of her in Tanks arms is burned into my eyelids. Every time I blink, every time I close my eyes, every second I try to sleep. It's always there.

She was coming with me, and in a split second it was all gone. I thought she'd come to me, come and explain what had happened where I had misunderstood. But she didn't. No call, no text, no note, nothing.

Promise me you won't try and keep me in the dark again okay?

I've done more paperwork these last few weeks than I have my whole career, something, anything to drown out the images, the voices.

If everyone would stop butting in, they don't get it. They don't understand what we had, what she willingly did and threw away. I don't care if it was just to help someone.

It was a lie! We didn't kiss nothing really happened she did it to save you from Melina.

I deeply breathe in trying to calm back down. I don't care if it wasn't real, she went behind my back to deceive. She knew what had happened in my past she knew how I felt about Tank and she did it anyway.

You see what she wants you to see John.

Fuck sake stop it! Both Laswell and Chloe have said the exact same thing and it keeps burrowing into my skull like a parasite.

I don't care!

A knock on the door shakes me out of my daze hours later.

"Come in." I order back.

I look up to see, General Dalton. He's still here.

"You haven't left yet sir?" I ask looking back down at my paperwork.

"We're heading out now, just wanted to stop by and say a few things first." Christ here we go again.

"I don't want to discuss her, what's happened has happened." I say directly and dismissively, my feelings on the subject obvious.

"The men and the ladies tell me that it in fact hasn't happened at all."

"Fuck sake Dalton you too?!" I shout angrily. Why the fuck is everyone acting like this is my fault, I'm the one who was betrayed not the other way around.

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