Chapter 34 - She Asked

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(Song for this chapter -
Eastside - HASLEY & KHALID
Will It Ever Be The Same - YOUNG SUMMER)


"We need to go and tell John." Chloe sobs out through her tears. My arms are tightly wrapped around her in the back seat as Blade drives. I was so terrified of what was going to happen to her.

"Like hell, she specifically asked you not to tell him." Blade shouts from the front.

"And when John finds out in his own!? He's not stupid, can you two honestly say you can lie to him and he won't be able to tell!?" She yells back at him, adding me into the mix as well.

"Stop it both of you." I assert in between their shouting, they are just afraid, I am too.
"I'm the one who will have to do the lying." I huff out as Chloe's grip on my arms tightens.

"Sorry. It's Kyle right?" Blade asks.

"Yeah, or Gaz if you prefer." I answer.

"Gaz, I like it. I'm Blade, Chloe and Coyote have mentioned you, wish we were meeting under better better circumstances."


"Chloe you need to call Tank and tell him exactly what's happened." Blade directs at her.

"He's going to be so angry with me." She huddles herself further under my arm. Shit she's too cute.

"Yes he will." He doesn't give any ifs or buts, come on man she knows she's fucked up.

"Sorry I'm new to this but can't we just go and get her back."

"They are taking her out of the Disposal to work at a strip club in god knows where. Dimitri owns like 30 of them all over the place, and as you can imagine half naked dancing women is just the start of what's on offer."

"Yeah I gathered." I respond frustratedly.

"Even if we found her she made a deal with them, she's not free to go without their permission. They could kill her otherwise." Chloe says looking up at me, she is very distressed.

"Don't tell me anymore, the more I know the harder it will be. I don't know if I can lie to Price, he can read me very easily." I say nervously to both of them.

"Try. We'll work on finding her and seeing if there's something we can trade to get her back." Blade says from the front.

"I'll do my best." I reply but I don't like my chances.

I avoided him all last night and I haven't seen him this morning. Well I haven't been near his office and I know he'll be in there. How am I suppose to tell him 'Oh she's just on a mission, don't know when she'll be back, or in what condition.' Shit, I know how much he likes her, I've never seen him like this. Like a love struck teenager, it's hilarious. I'd make fun of him if he wouldn't kill me for it.

I'm taking in deep breaths as I walk to his office, trying to calm myself down. His door is open, I peek in to see him sitting at his desk, humming. He's freaking humming. I can't do this.

I feel a hand go around my mouth as I get pulled away from the door, it's Ghost. Soap's walking ahead of us looking back at me concerned as Ghost walks us back down the hall. Once we're far enough away he lets go.

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