Chapter 14 - Bigger Picture

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(Songs for this chapter -
Jackie and Wilson - HOZIER)


"John?" She says it even sweeter now, looking up at me from the bottom of the stairs. Her eyes filled with kindness.

"I want us to go on that drive soon, maybe you can take me to a beach you like." She lied, she remembers everything from last night. I'd be mad, but when she tells me what's on her mind she's too beautiful for me to get cross with her.

"Yes ma'am. I'll take you anywhere you want to go." I wink down at her, she doesn't hide her excited smile from me this time. She looks at me for a few more seconds before she's out the door.

I sneak back to her bedroom window and watch her, she's throwing her things into the car, at who she called Moose. Mad at him for giving her away I'm sure. She whirls her body around twice before she gets into the car. She is too endearing when she's happy, whatever it is that weighs her down disappears for a moment and she looks at peace.

I wash up the mugs and make her bed for her before i leave. I don't know how i made it back to base, my mind is focusing on nothing but her. How she feels, her smell, touch and taste. How i feel when shes in my arms, the smile she had looking down at me as i carried her. It was as close to heaven as I've ever felt.

I'm going back tonight, i have to see her again, she's more addictive than tobacco.
He is a good man. She was so real in that moment, exposing her fragile heart to me.

I take her key and the thumb drive she gave me out of my pocket, staring at the items like they are two different choices and I suddenly feel guilty. Is she going to be angry when she finds out i am trying to get her out. She's smart, I'm sure she at least suspects. If only she would tell me why she doesn't want to leave, i know there's a lot of people she cares about in there but it's more than that i can feel it.

She seems relatively safe to me, safer than i think Laswell believes she is. But looks can be deceiving and both women still won't tell me the whole story.

"Are you just getting back Sir?" I look up and see Kyle in the hall.

'Yes." I give him a look that's as short tempered as that response so he doesn't push it further.

"Is that from Coyote?" he nods towards my hand. I hide the key in my palm but hold up the thumb drive.

"Yes, she got the classified personnel list back."

"I thought we didn't know who had stolen it?" he asks.

"We don't." I answer as i walk past him.

"I like her sir," He says after me. "She seems like a good egg. Chloe spoke very highly of her."

I stop and look back at him. "What did Chloe say?"

"That she's had a rough past, nearly died a few times, but that she always looks after everyone around her. Like you do Cap."

I nod towards him then continue on to my office, calling Laswell as i sit down to look at the thumb drive she gave me.


'Kate. I have the classified list back that was stolen."

"That was fast, how did you get it?"


Laswell laughs, "You don't sound as hostile towards her since the last time we spoke."

"Like you said, she's a good asset. She seems okay in there though. Do you really need her out?"

There is silence on the other line.

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