Chapter 38 - Watching

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(Songs for this chapter -
Let Me Hurt {Acoustic} - EMILY ROWED)



"Lucas wake up."

"Ed?" I grumble rolling over, "What time is it? Come back to bed."

"A little after 5am, Coyote has been abducted."
His voice is gentle like always but the pain in his statement has me wide awake.

"What?!" I'm suddenly sitting up.

"She was taken off of Prices base by some ex general guy who wants something from her."

"Oh crap Price will be beside himself." I say getting out of bed.

"Everyone will be here soon, Price and his team included. I'm going to get head start on trying to find her." Ed says, his big eyes full of worry. I know he cares about her a lot, we all do but he knows more about her past that he's never been willing to share so he gets more anxious when something happens.

"I can do that you stay in bed, you've been glued to that computer for weeks looking for her." I offer pulling him into bed with me, he raises his eyebrow at me.

"Excuse mister I think I can handle it, at least at the start. Checking security camera footage around the base to see if you can track her from there?" I smirk at him as I roll him over onto his side of the bed.

"Alright fine, but I'll get up in a few hours and take over."

"Deal." I say kissing his cheek and leaving him in bed.

I make my way out to the workshop, Blade is already there nervously pacing, poor kid. He wasn't handling it well before, he'll be even worse now.

"Hey Blade," He stops pacing and looks over at me. I never call him that, I always pick on him but Ed asked me to stop being so hard on him and I can't say no to him. Plus the poor kid has it bad enough right now.

"Where's Ed?" He asks looking behind me.

"He needs some rest I'm going to get started on the search, you wanna give me a hand?" I don't need it but he does, sitting around waiting won't do him any good.

"A-alright." He answers apprehensively. You and me both buddy I don't know who this nice new guy is either, didn't even know he was there until Ed bought him to life.

"Where do we start?"

"With this." Tanks says as he walks in the door followed by Price and a man in a skull mask, a Mohawk guy and Chloe's Beau. Geez what a random bunch of lads, not that we can talk, us five aren't any less haphazard.

"Moose, that's Ghost, Soap and you've met Gaz right?" Tank says handing me the disc.

"Yes I have, you know Chloe." I wink, forgetting who I am talking to. He grumbles back.

"What's this?"

"Footage from our base, it's been scrambled though can you do anything with it?" Ghost is very direct.

Price hasn't said a word he looks devastated, being taken from their care has got to hurt, she's tough though we'll get her back.

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