Chapter 82 - Blue Cobra

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(Songs for this chapter
Miserable Man - DAVID KUSHNER
Rush {Feat Jessie Reyes} - LEWIS CAPALDI)


It feels strange to be back here, can hardly call it the Disposal anymore. It already looks so different. Construction going on, people on the street, regular business's in shop fronts. I don't know if Aliya would come back here, but I have to check anyway.

Just in case.

Ghost pulls up out the front of Iris's. This building holds a lot of good memories, a few bad ones, and with any luck a clue as to where my future wife is.

"Wait here." I say to Ghost as I get out of the truck.

"No problem Cap." He smugly answers and I shake my head a him.

The place certain looks the same but is very different. It's filled with people, a lot more than I've ever seen in here. Walking up into the third floor there's even a line up to the counter.

Iris spots me and her expression turns to a solemn smile. She wipes her hands and shuffles around to stand in front of me.

"She was here, a few days ago." She says grabbing my hand in both of hers.

God dammit I missed her, she's faster than I gave her credit for.

"Did she leave anything behind?" I ask anxiously. Anything would help at this point, she's better at being a ghost than Simon is.

"No I'm sorry dear." Iris sighs.
"She didn't say a word, she just hugged us all and left, I tried to stop her but..."

"But she's determined to get away." I finish hanging my head a little.

Iris nods in agreement, she looks upset but she doesn't cry, she isn't that kind of woman.

"Come, this way." She says patting my hand as she move around the tables. I follow her around to the back corner of the kitchen.

Hanging just above the counter, hidden unless you were standing behind the counter itself, is Aliya's necklace.

The necklace I spent half a day finding for her, the one she never wanted to be without. Hanging off of a pin holding up a photo of her, with the Wild Dogs.

Iris reaches up and unpins the photo, taking down both it and the necklace.

"She was devastated after what Tank made her do. She told me to keep them together, it's not much but it's all I can do for you." She says handing me the photo and necklace.

"It's plenty." I breathe out.

The whole team is in a pool, the one that's at Mays house I think. She looks so happy, still so full of trust and confidence. The look she'd get when I'd tell her I love her, or call her gorgeous.

I miss her more than I can fathom.

"Bring her back." Iris says sternly as I look up to her face.

"I will, thank you Iris." I say softly. She smiles and her eyes begin to glass over before she waves me out of the kitchen. Wanting to hide her emotion, I understand that.

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