Chapter 62 - Proud

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(Songs for this chapter
You'd Never Know - BLU EYES
{sorry I know I use a lot of Hozier, I just think it suits Price too well})


"Aliya," I say pulling on her hand so she stops walking and turns to face me.
"I'm on your side remember, and I won't let him near you if you don't want that."

Even if he is a friend and a general, her feeling safe and trusting me is more important that my career.

"I know you'll always protect me handsome, thank you for coming with me." She leans in and kisses my cheek, so adorable.

We walk up the drive way and she squeezes my hand before knocking on the door. May answers almost immediately, she has a kind face, black hair with grey streaked through it and is dressed very fashionably.

"Aliya sweetie, I'm so glad you came." She leans in and hugs her.
"And this must be the famous John Price." She says looking to me.

"Yes ma'am." I say reaching out my hand but she goes in for a hug instead.

"I'm May Dallas." She replies.
"Thank you so much for bringing her back into our lives, for looking after her."

"My pleasure, she was a little stubborn at first but I got there eventually." I joke, and she smiles as Aliya smacks my arm.

"Come in, come in." She gestures us inside.

"Where is he?" Aliya asks looking around as we walk into the lounge room.

"He's outside. Now I want you both to know that I am not taking his side, not excusing what he has done. I just think it's important that both of you talk to each other, just let it all out okay." She looks at Aliya's hand tightly holding mine then up at my face.

She's worried about her, so am I.
Aliya is looking around the house, only half listening.

"Darling?" I say quietly, squeezing her hand.

"Yes, let it all out." She says it quickly as she snaps her attention back to us. Trying not to linger on the subject.

May looks at me again before she begins to lead us through the house.

"I love you Aliya." I whisper, kissing her hand. Trying to assure and calm her anxiety. I can tell that she wants to run, I know the signs now. Her body language, I feel her panic, see the hurt in her eyes. I would take it all for her if I could.

"I love you too." She smiles up at me. Her worry not gone but lessened.

"Al, Price." I hear our names called once we get out onto the patio. I look over to see Dalton coming towards us and in civilian clothes, it's unsettling.

Aliya removes herself from my grasp and walks towards him, shit she's going to kill him I recognize that gaze. I follow after her but not fast enough as she slaps Dalton right across the face. I stare in shock but May seems unfazed, she said let it out but I'm sure she didn't mean like that.

"I deserved that I..." Aliya slaps him again. Shit I don't know if I should be trying to stop her or cheering her on.

"You were suppose to look after me." She huffs angrily. "I'm your only family."

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