Chapter 63 - Well Shit

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Hehe 😜

(Songs for this chapter -
Back Down - BOB MOSES
Warped Window - ANNA MIEKE
Off my Mind {Acoustic} - JOE P)


"No way! Her uncle is THE General Dalton!" Gaz says in wonderment.

"No wonder she's so good, it's in her blood. Ghost did you know?" He shakes his head to my question.

"She would of wanted to be considered good enough to progress on her own without a connection to a senior officer." Simon adds in.

Price nods smiling, "Exactly, Coyote said she hid it so she would be considered on her own merit not his."

"And he's going to help her get back into the SAS? So she can join us?" Gaz asks Price.

He nods.

"Which brings me to the point of this chat, are you all okay with her joining the 141? Be honest. I don't want her to join and make anyone uncomfortable and she wouldn't want that either. Ghost is still second in command."

That would mean a lot to Simon. Price has such a kind heart for the amount of shit he's been through, then again so does Simon, so do we all I suppose.

"I have no issues at all sir, I like her she's got skills in areas none of us do." I speak first.

Getting Simon to open up to me for one, kicking his ass for another, and bossing around the stubborn Captain a third.
Ticks all my boxes.

"No problem at all Cap." Gaz nods with a smirk in my direction, he knows we can use her to get Price to say yes to things he normally doesn't, we'll get away with a lot more now, especially if she's in on it with us.

Simon nudges my arm slightly, he knows what we are thinking.

"Ghost?" Price asks after he stays silent.

"One condition," he utters.

Oh no, what?

"Yes?" Price says worriedly.

"I don't get disciplined for taking her side over yours, Sir." He says seriously but that was a joke. Simon messing with Price?
Now I have seen it all.

Price let's out a deep laugh. "Deal." He chuckles.

"When will she be joining us Sir?" I ask eagerly. She can help me with Simon.

"She won't leave the Disposal until she's got all her people out as well."

"What can we do to speed that up?" Gaz adds in, he just wants to get Chloe out. He hasn't shut up about her. The man is smitten.

"I have asked Barrow to see if he can find anymore information on Phoenix for Venom. The next person we can be most helpful to is Blade." Price says with a sigh.

Poor kid, Simon told me what had happened. I felt sick to my stomach and wanted to kill the sick bastard, I have met Gregson twice before and now I wish I hadn't.

"I've got Laswell and a few officers I trust trying to gather proof, but once that is sorted do we know of any teams he can join? Someone we trust to take him that's a little less harsh.

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