Chapter 67 - Opening Up

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(Songs for this chapter
Place We Were Made - MAISIE PETERS
Happenstance - GRETTA RAY
Your Soul - RHODES)


"Coyote you need to rest more." I protest as I place a cup of tea down next to her, but as usual she ignores me.

"The sooner we find the last few leads for Tank the sooner we can all leave." She responds not looking up from the screen.

She's been helping me tie up all our loose ends the last few days while the men are out helping where they can. Assisting Teddy, helping people we know get out and trying to make others to leave.

Iris and Otto refused, even Coyote and I went over to try and convince them but they still wouldn't budge. Their building has alway been a place of refuge for those in need and they said they wouldn't abandon them all now.

Coyote's a lot like them in that way, she'd sooner break both her legs than leave anyone behind. But Iris and Otto are living legends and even Xander would be crazy to try anything with them. Hopefully it's enough to keep them out of harms way.

"I know you want to help Tank," I begin.
"I know you can see he's become a little lost."

She stops typing and looks up at me, her face says that she knows what I know. What we all know. His purist for revenge has made him more distant and short tempered. He's put us all in danger more than once, especially Coyote. She has suffered the most, taken on the biggest burden and to say nothing of how shes looked after Chloe.

"I promised I would help him." She answers.

"And you've more than done that don't you think?" I say putting my hand on her shoulder.

"But you've seen him, if we weren't around to keep him level headed, if he does something reckless and gets killed. Chloe would be devastated."

"We can't all be your responsibility. Aliya," I start as I pull a chair closer to her so I can sit down.
"Protecting us won't bring them back."

"I know." She whispers, tears building in her eyes. God the poor thing. I've seen photos and interview footage of her after she was rescued, she didn't look human. Her eyes black and her body broken, I cried for days afterwards. I dare not show any of the others, it was heartbreaking enough for me and they would never look at her the same.

"But it makes me feel less guilty, for being alive when they aren't." She breathes out. She's never been this open with me before, I'm happy she trusts me even if it is very upsetting to hear her worries.

"I think you are looking at this all wrong." I respond and she tilts her head slightly in question.

"You know my sister was always unwell, bedridden right up until she died. Well she use ask me to go out and do things and come home to tell her all about it. I didn't realize it at the time as a hormonal 15 year old but now I see that she was living through me." I subtly smile at her.

"The joy she felt as I told her things, even something so simple as hearing about my day at school made her smile. Do something everyday that they would want to hear about, that's the best way you can honor them."

She puts her hand on top of the one I have on her shoulder. "I have never thought of it like that." She smiles. "Fox and I always liked the snow, he use to talk about us all going skiing in Japan."

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