Chapter 3 - Coyote

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(Songs for this chapter -
No One Else Like You - ADAM LEVINE
Get Out My Head - SHANE CODD)


"Laswell what the fuck! Why the hell didn't you say she was a woman!" I yell into the phone as I'm driving back to base.

"Would you have gone if I did?" She answers all too quickly, she knew this phone call was coming.

"Of course not! I would of.." I stop myself, having been called out by my own emotions.

"Exactly." She arrogantly answers.

"This mission is a distraction  from the real issues Kate." I say angrily.

"Are you saying she distracts you John? That doesn't sound like you." She's pushing my buttons.

"Watch it. This is a favour to you, I don't have to do this." I answer her straight.

"Just leave then. If you can't do it you can't do it." Now she's trying to get at me a different way, humanely.

"I didn't say I couldn't do it. I'll need her file and any information you have on her."

"I'm afraid it's all classified." She half ass answers.

"Bullshit." I spit into the phone.

"For her safety and yours it's better you don't know John." She speaks sincerely and it's unlike her not to disclose things so it must be important, I will find out another way.

I sigh heavily into the phone.

"Build trust with her and get her out of there, she's an invaluable asset."

"So you keep saying."

No one is up when I get back, good. I retreat to the office, looking for anything we have on Coyote or The Disposal. Nothing as helpful as what I wanted, but there is a long list of anonymous tips coming in from The Disposal. They date back to over two years ago. If these have all come from Coyote I can see why Laswell wants her out.

Two years, a long time to be undercover. Keeping yourself together that long, knowing which side your on and sticking to it while keeping your cover intact? I've seen men blur the lines after a month or so. Two years and she'd be long lost by now. No, this can't have all come from her, Kate must have had others in there previously.

Sleep won't come, no matter what I try. Her face still burned in my mind. Moments of the night keep replaying themselves. Her sweet voice in my head, she's good at manipulating, too good clearly. But outside in the rain, that was a different version of her. The real her, she didn't manipulate or try to hide. She was herself, sweetly looking at me like we'd just met. That is the Coyote that I can't get out of my head.

She was right of course, the intel was solid. The 141 and I took out the warehouse last night, arrested 12 men. She didn't lie. Not that I assumed she would, Laswell clearly trusts her but you can never be too careful.


Saturday night 11:00pm, I'm walking the same path I was on two nights ago. The same woman is at the door but with a slightly smaller man this time, I show her the card again.

"Don't need that tonight sweetie. Couldn't stay away huh?" She smiles as she pats me down.
"Apparently not." I mumble back.
She nods her head to the door, I dressed a little better this time. Jeans and a dark button down the sleeves rolled up, no beanie. I'm anxious, I can't work out why, she said she would be here, I'm not late or early.

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