Chapter 22 - My Love

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(Songs for this chapter -
Freedom - KYGO & ZAK ABEL
No Rush - PASTEL
You Give Me Something - JAMES MORRISON)


He's still holding my hand, even when he has to change gears, he just moves my hand with his and then moves it back, resting our hands on my thigh, it's so so sweet.

We are nearly back into the Disposal, I messaged Big Ed to ask him if he's okay with Price coming to his workshop, he's fine but Moose and Blade don't know he's coming. I will get enough grief from Moose afterwards I don't need it before hand as well, and Blade will lose it so I'm not worried about him.


"Yes darling?" He says bringing my hand up to his face to kiss. I don't know how he stays so affectionate and composed after what happened this morning. My whole body is still trying to recover from having him half naked in between my legs. I can't think about it too much or my whole face will heat up and my legs will tingle.

I didn't mean to hide, I just freaked out about all the things he doesn't know and what he would say if he knew. I scared myself into thinking negatively again, retreating to a place I feel safe.

But like Blade said he might not react as badly as I think. The more time I spend with him the more courage I get.

I will tell him, one day.
No soon, I will tell him soon.
He should know, I can be brave, I can accept how he reacts no matter how he does. He can't say anything worse than what I have already said to myself.

"I just wanted to warn you before we get there, Moose is a little more animated than what you might be use to."

"I'm sure I can handle that." He chuckles.

"And Blade," my fingers are fidgeting with his hand on my leg again. He squeezes my hand back, letting me know it's okay, he's always understanding. This might help me understand how he'll react to my past when I tell him.

"Blade is a fan of yours which I've told you, but it is because he use to be SAS like you but he deserted. He didn't have a good run of luck in the army, it's not my story to tell but please try not to think less of him."

I look over at him to see how he reacts, he glances from the road over to me, twice. I don't change my gaze, this means a lot to me and he needs to know that. Blade had a horrible experience and was treated very badly. If he knew I know he wouldn't judge but it's not my place to say. If Blade wants to he can tell him.

"I won't judge, but I would like to know what happened, if there is something wrong within the regiment I can't fix it until I know about it."

I nod back smiling, squeezing his hand.
"If he wants you to know I'm sure he will tell you himself." I add in. He smiles over at me before looking back to the road.

"Thank you John, Blade is important to me."

"Then he's important to me too."

I can't handle this man, he's so prefect he makes me feel special and cared for but so inadequate at the same time. Nothing is too much for him.

We pull up at a 24hr restaurant and he looks over at me. "Nothing here is what is seems hmm?"

"I mean it is a restaurant but we aren't going in there." I giggle.

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