Chapter 16 - Breakfast

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(Songs for this chapter-
Amused - HUNGER


Price doesn't move from the left side of the bar, keeping his eyes in a constant shift between me and the crowd around the bar. His stance is causal, but his face has a serious look, like he's on an important mission. Venom and I stay behind the bar helping the other girls. He's leaning on the only exit out from behind the bar anyway. Making sure I don't go back into the crowd, it makes my stomach feel tight when I think about how protective he is of me. He barely knows me, he doesn't know my past or how everything works in this place but he still wants to be here, watching over me.

He is such a gentleman, until his hands are on me. Then he looks at me like he wants to devour me. The way he gazed at me in the bathroom earlier made my legs feel stiff and my spine tingle.

A few regulars have asked if I'm okay as they've come to get drinks which is sweet, people I've worked with or done jobs for. Tank and Jake threw out the men we beat up. I haven't seen anymore of Xanders guys but that doesn't mean there isn't any here. The place is starting to quieten down as more and more people leave for the night.

"So he's a bit smitten with you." Venom whispers to me while we are near the other end of the bar.

We both look over at him, he's looking out at the place but he must feel us staring as his gaze moves back to me. Both Venom and i look away quietly laughing.

"He is a little isn't he." I subtly smile at her.

"But so are you." She sasses back, nudging me with her elbow.

"Only slightly." I try and play it down.

"Uh-huh." She's not buying that at all.

After another hour or so and the place is almost empty, a group of drunk people still up stairs laughing and carrying on with each other.

"Hey!" I yell up at them. "This isn't school camp, go home guys!"

"Yes boss." One of them shouts jokingly down to me as they get up to leave. Tank and Jake are by the door talking. Cross is asleep in the corner, some security he is, after 2am he's useless. Venom is flirting with two ladies at the end of the bar.

"Alright you three why don't you take this, anywhere but here." I say walking down to them.

"You offering us your place?" Venom says back as she slides her hand around my waist like I'm an accessory she needs to show off to them. I glare back at her.

"Well you're no fun." She says rolling her eyes. The ladies giggle at her. It's all part of her plan, I know the tactics she uses to charm and seduce. She's taught me quiet a few of them, I was terrible at flirting and seduction before that.

"Shall we?" One of them says to her as they both stand up to go. See worked perfectly.

"Look after yourself," Venom says to me kissing my cheek. "And maybe let Beanie look after you too." She winks cheekily, talking about Price of course.

"Can you not think about anything else?" I retort back as we stroll towards Price and the exit out from behind the bar, her arm still around me.

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