Chapter 44 - Recuperate

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(Songs for this chapter -
Cherish - GRETTA RAY
Beautiful Mistakes - MAROON 5)



"No no no I can't go into surgery." Fuck that will take too long, then there's recovery after the anesthetic. I need to get back Aliya.

"I'm sorry Sir but the damage is too severe for me to fix it simply by splinting your fingers. I'll have to put you under to get both your fingers back in place."

"How long?" I grumble annoyed.

"A few hours at most, I'll begin preparing now so we can get it done as soon as possible."

"Thank you." The doc nods as he leaves the room. Ghost and Barrow are by the door wanting to talk to me.

"Sir. While you're waiting we have something to discuss with you." Barrow says as he and Ghost enter the room. Ghost stands back next to Kyle and Barrow comes to stand on the other side of me.

"Alpha has been investigating how it got out that Coyote was here." I admire his initiative.

"And?" I say after he hasn't spoken in a while.

Barrow looks over at Ghost.

"It was Thomas." Ghost speaks up.

"What!" I try and get out of the chair but Kyle puts a hand on my shoulder.

"He's already been taken into custody and removed from the base, we thought it best for his safety and your career that he wasn't here when you got back." Kyle adds in. He has a point I would of given him the beating of his life.

"Olives and Jackson handed him over to the MPs." Military police.

"Olives?" Kyle questions.

"Sorry Sirs, Oliver. We've started calling him Olives, he hates it."
Nicknames!? A few weeks ago Alpha would have spat at the idea, Aliya has had more of an affect on them than I thought.

"Good work Barrow." His eyes just about fall out his head in appreciation.

"How is she?" Ghost asks and Kyle shoots him a glare.

"It's alright Kyle, she's getting there. Still can't speak and doesn't want to be touched so I'm unsure just how injured she is. But she's allowing me to help her and she let everyone stay with her so I could get this fixed." I state holding up my hand, it's throbbing in pain now.

"She's tough, she'll pull through." Ghost answers trying to stay positive but I can hear the uncertainty in his voice. It's not her body we are all worried about it's her mind.

She's tough on the surface but underneath all that she is still suffering, and this has brought it all to the surface for her. I can't fight her demons for her if they are in her mind, that's something she has to do herself. All I can do is support her.

I wake up groggy, there's something about being put under, the black nothingness. It isn't like being knocked unconscious, you don't dream you don't feel or see anything. That empty space is haunting. I want to hold her, she always makes me feel at ease.

"How do you feel Sir?" I hear Kyles muffled voice from my right.

"Like I fell out of a heli."

"I see your dry sense of humour is still intact." He chuckles back.

I am feeling more awake already, much faster than I though.
"How long was I under?" I ask as I sit up in bed.

"Well..." he doesn't answer as the Doc checks me over. Fuck.

The Captain & Coyote (John Price Romance)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें