Chapter 49 - Running Towards

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(Songs for this chapter -
Some Kind of Disaster - ALL TIME LOW
So I Don't Let Me Down - CLINTON KANE)


- Burnett it's Riley, Price took a
shot to the shoulder but he's okay
we are nearly back at base.
He wanted you to know.

I look up from my phone and take stock of my surroundings. Westvale street, fuck I am near nothing, no one with a car. The Lemon is 3 klicks away and Venoms place is 5 but in the opposite direction.

Venoms it is. She isn't there but her bike will be and I have a key to her place. I take off sprinting in that direction. I try to call Blade but he doesn't answer they will all be out on mission right now.

Riley you idiot, you don't think I can't tell when you are lying even through text. He's obviously not okay at all or you wouldn't of said it like that, 'he wanted you to know' translates to he's not okay but he wanted you to say that he was.

The panic in my entire body is making me run so much faster even though my ribs hurt. I will kill you John, don't you dare die or I will kill you myself.

I get to Venoms house with my face feeling like it's on fire, my heartbeat is shaking my entire chest. I frantically unlock the back door, race through the house and to the garage to get her motorbike. I grab the keys and open the garage door, recklessly racing out and into the street.

God my heart, it hurts. I can feel tears coming down my face, I can't lose him I can't, I won't make it through that. I weave in and out of the traffic, horns beeping at me, narrowly missing cars. I don't care in what condition I get there just as long as I do.

I get up to the base and twist the handles, sliding the bike under the boom gate and jumping off it as I do. I can hear shouting and a second later the base alarm but I don't stop. I'd like to see them try and keep me away from John.

I don't remember the base layout that well, I never saw the medical wing. I run into the first building, two soldiers attempting to stop me. I disarm and take them out quickly, grabbing the hand gun off of one as they both lay on the ground in pain.

I keep running, I was out of breathe 30 minutes ago but that won't stop me. I take out another two soliders, not lethal of course. They are Johns men I won't seriously harm or injure anyone here.

It's not in this building I have to get to the next one, as I run out of here I feel the butt of a gun collide with my face, I hit the ground hard. That hurt.

"Can't have you running freely around the base, no matter your affiliation with the 141." Someone from above me spits out annoyed.

I kick him in the shin, he goes down in a grunt as I get up and hit him across the face.
"Why do you all hate me so much!"
I yell as I knock him out.

For fuck sake he nearly broke my nose, nearly. I can feel blood coming out of a cut in-between my eyes on the bridge of my nose. They know about John and I and I still get this kind of treatment, sometimes it makes me so angry I could kill them all.

This is one of those sometimes so no one better push my buttons.

I move into the next building I can hear footsteps chasing after me, but I'm close. I'm in the right building now I can see the signs. I race up the stairs, checking each room.

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