Chapter 42 - Protective Instincts

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(Songs for this chapter -
Car's Outside - JAMES ARTHUR


I'm not sure how long she let me hold her like that, my head resting against her chest, listening to her heart. But I didn't want to move and Aliya didn't make me. I still don't want to move but there's more and more people starting to appear on the beach. Morning joggers, coffee lovers, dog walkers even a few hungover lads and I don't want Aliya to feel like a window display.

Her purple face and neck are out, we've already had a few looks from people and as much as I couldn't care less what they think of me I can feel her tense in my arms every time someone stares at her.

"What do you say I take us somewhere and get you a smoothie or something gorgeous? You must be hungry?" She's nervously playing with my hair to distract herself. Her little face nodding down at me.

"Can I carry you to the car?" A small adorable smile comes over her and she nods again. I'm still taking it slow, I don't want to do anything at all to upset her or over step her boundaries now that she's let me back in.

"My darling girl." I whisper as I tighten my grip on her and stand up.
"You are so lovely, are you in any pain at ..."

"Excuse me sir." I look ahead to the truck.
There is two police cars and four officers. Shit.

"Would you mind putting the lady down and showing us some ID."

Fuck the nerve of some nosy people, someone called them. I can feel Aliya's heart rate increase and her hands tighten on my shoulders.

"It's okay darling." I whisper to her without breaking eye contact with the officer talking to us.

"Actually I do mind officer, I'd be happy to show you ID but I won't be putting the lady down."

"We got a call about a disturbance in the area." Nice way of saying someone walking by thinks I did this to her and called you.

"No disturbance, she just likes to watch the sunrise." Aliya nods in my arms and the officers eyes shift from me to her.

"Are you alright ma'am?" He asks her and she nods again.

"I'm Captain Price of the 22nd SAS regiment, my ID is in the truck." It doesn't make a difference I can see the other officers flanking us.

"Well Captain, I'm going to need you both to come down to the station with us to answer some questions." Asshole doesn't believe a word I said.

"Ma'am do you have ID?" I tighten my grip on her.

"No she doesn't and in case you haven't noticed, nor is she in a capacity to answer questions." The more distressed Aliya becomes the more angry I am getting.

"Now sir there's no need for that we are just trying to get to the bottom of this." He takes a step closer reaching for his cuffs.

"Then why the fuck are you and your men flanking us!"

The two behind me move in closer to us as one hits me in the leg with baton while the other pulls Aliya from my grasp.

"Don't you dare touch her!" I roar at him as she tries to reach for me while he pulls her away.

"J..." she tries to call out to me but her voice breaks. The panic on her face has me instantly furious. I will die before I let anyone take her away from me.

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